I'm going to take a little break on the blog until after sometime after the start of the new year. Not that I have a huge readership to tell. But maybe I state it mostly for me! The rest of December will be earmarked for just making it through the dull days that follow Christmas. I am ready for a new year to begin, even if nothing much changes in the world overnight.
I will be slowly making my way through all of my Christmas candy, one small treat at a time, as I sit and work on the crossword puzzle pages my mother bundled up for me from the Houston Chronicle. Goodness there is a lot of sugar in this house! Not only did I bake treats to set out, but so did LA and Bubbie's girlfriend. Plus, a Colin Street fruitcake may have hopped into my cart while grocery shopping on Monday {half off - how could I not?}
Happy New Year to you reading this!
See you then,