Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A weekend full of this and that

Starting with working late on Thursday night, I was already tired by the time I got home from buying groceries after work on Friday.  But I had plans to go and do on the weekend and it couldn't be helped!  Also, it was worth it to work late on Thursday night so that I could get Bubbie to the ortho doc in the morning - so far, so good on his wrist.  He gets a custom splint ($$$) this week.  
On Saturday I drove to Brenham bright and early, intending to help my mother with some housework, then meeting a friend for lunch.  As it turns out, the friend had to cancel so I had even more time to spend with my mother, which is a good thing.  I made her a pie,
we enjoyed some chicken salad sandwiches, 
and after a very full morning of sweeping, vacuuming, scrubbing, and cleaning we ate pie and ice cream.  We got some groceries bought, her hair cut, and some laundry done.  There was still so much to do, but I felt like I had helped her make a dent in it.
I was way too tired to drive to Highlands, so Hubby was on his own until the next morning.  I showered, ate some take-out Mexican food, watched about 30 minutes of TV, then passed OUT.  The next morning I drove to Burnet with some cinnamon rolls.  Then we got some of that thicket near the barn cleared away, moved the grills back about two feet, and made plans to build a patio for them to sit on.  I also decorated the little $5 tree I put in the barn.
I placed it on a plant stand so it would be taller and hot-glued some corks around the pot it was in.  I think I will add a few more red ornaments to it.  It makes the Barn a cheery place - this is where we park the folding chairs to relax or watch TV.  We didn't go to a winery or brewery, staying close to Highlands the whole day and eating a charcuterie lunch.  Then drove home at sundown and enjoyed dinner at home.  And yes, I was also tired on Monday morning. 
I think I'm starting to feel the years! Welcome to 60, right?


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