Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Copper Pennies

30 years ago, I worked in Highland Mall in Austin.  One of my favorite places to eat was Chicken Revolution in the mall's food court.  They featured rotisserie chicken and this carrot salad that I LOVED.  For years I said I was going to find the recipe and make it, and I finally did this last weekend.  Its more a chilled side dish than a salad and it turned out great!  This is based on Paula Deen's recipe of the same name, with tweaks.

Copper Pennies
1 c. sugar
1 c. white vinegar
1 c. vegetable oil
1 T. grainy mustard
1 T Worchestershire
1 1/2 t. salt
1 t. coarsely ground pepper
1 can tomato soup
2 pounds peeled, sliced, and cooked carrots
1 small onion, chopped
1 small bell pepper, chopped

Cook the carrots gently in a covered pan with a little water and salt until they are just done - about 15-20 min.  Drain and set aside.  Combine sugar, vinegar, oil, mustard, Worchestershire, salt, and pepper in that same saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil.  Remove from the heat and add the tomato soup.  Mix the onions, peppers, and carrots in a large glass dish and pour the sauce over it all.  Gently stir, cover, and refrigerate overnight.  This salad will keep for up to 6 weeks in the fridge.

We enjoyed this with rotisserie chicken on Sunday for lunch and it was great.  I will definitely make this again for summer days ahead.  It made a lot of marinade/sauce, so when the carrots are gone, I will whisk more grainy mustard into it and finish it up as a salad dressing.  Let me know if you try it!



kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Hi Gina, thank you for your visit to my blog. I remember copper pennies from years ago, when I used to make them. Thank you for the reminder of that wonderful side dish.

Miz Helen said...

We sure have enjoyed featuring your awesome post at Full Plate Thursday,484. Hope you are having a great week and come back to see us real soon!
Miz Helen