Friday, December 11, 2020

5 thing Friday - bottle tree, Christmas card pics, dry erase board, plant babies, Christmas angel

In no particular order... 
Every time I see one of these bottle trees at a winery during the holidays it reminds me that I want one.  This one was at Perissos.  I would also like that planked wall and some barn doors, please.
Christmas card selfies.  Couldn't get Hubby to stop laughing and just smile.
Hello, old folks.
We finally ended up going with a heavily cropped indoor shot that did not include us holding our masks or my tote bag.  Not great but the cards are in the mail.
Doesn't everyone have a dry erase board on their fridge?  I think I paid a dollar for this one.  At the end of each weekend I take a pic of it.  I don't even write on it neatly.  And it works great.  You'd be amazed at the things I need to remind myself to do.
My biggest and most sensitive plant babies found a new home near the window seat in my kitchen.  I scraped out all of the corks I was using for mulch and washed them. Then I watered the ficus and the olive tree, replaced the corks in the pots, and cleaned up my mess.  I paid a whole $5 for that ficus years ago.
The Christmas tree this year is very anti-climactic, but then, so is the holiday season IMHO.
I hauled out the angel that we inherited from my late MIL and it gave me comfort to hang it right here by the tree.  I can feel Marie smiling from heaven, telling me to hang in there and count my blessings.


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