Friday, May 27, 2022

5 thing Friday - tacos, plant babies, yard work, what I don't know, revisiting places

I accidentally bought the wrong kind of flour tortillas - the ones that you basically have to cook.  In the skillet, they puff a little and brown nicely and are delicious!
So I've been making tacos more often!  The ones above are made with pre-cooked shrimp that I sauteed in seasonings and served with tomato, cheese, and green onions.  Tater tots on the side for no good reason.
These are beef, with sauteed zucchini, onion, and orange bell pepper.  I may be a little obsessed with tacos lately as my appetite has greatly improved.
My little collection of plant babies.  I have since moved the owl house back to the garage.  Nothing had nested in it and the squirrels chewed it, so I need to repair it and figure out a better place to put it.
The deck is a nice place to enjoy my coffee.
Soon I will have a baby airplane plant for The Girl.
I don't know squat about trimming trees, and I have to remind myself of that general truth from time to time. In any case, I gave the skinny trees on either side of the garage a haircut recently.  That BBQ grill went to the curb for Big Trash Day and disappeared within hours.
For  most things I know zip about, I will hire someone.  Like getting the mower serviced. The gentleman who worked on it got it looking and working like new in less than an hour.
I read that I should revisit some of the places Mark and I enjoyed going to together in order to reclaim them as my own.  This is such a place - a brewery in Liberty Hill.  Last time we were here together, my sister and BIL joined us and we gave them a tour of Darby.
This time I mostly had the place to myself and the weather was really pleasant.  I spent an hour or so in the relative peace and thought "Mark would have enjoyed being here today". I hope this lonely time does not last forever and that these places we used to visit will bring happy memories when I return to them.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For the trees/ bushes, consider asking a neighbor with a great yard. My neighbor has one of the best in our neighborhood - her name is Bess. We joke on our street that we maintain our yards based on the Bess method. When she waters, everyone else waters. When she fertilizes, we fertilize. etc. We've asked her advice for trimming things, maintaining things, and general yard maintenance. Her yard is her pride, and she loves to help (and, as a side note, she turned 93 last Dec!!!).
x - Wendy