Friday, May 27, 2022

Another big clean - attic

I took a few days off from work to deal with the attic in advance of big trash day.*  And really, just to get a break from work.
This is pic of the first load of crap I tossed down - there was no nice way to do it.  Many of the boxes were up there disintegrating.  The whole time I talked out loud.  I'm sure the neighbors think I have lost my marbles, and maybe I have. 
I cleaned up the first mess, ate lunch, then proceeded with throw-down #2.  Literally threw crap down from those stairs you see in the background.  That was in the piles you ask?
*High school love letters and photos Mark kept.
*All of his school work from high school, including all of the planning for his 10 year reunion.
*His college work.  His transcripts.
*Random work-related files.
*(his) Bank statements from college.  (our) Bank statements from the early '90s and 2000s.
*Bike tires from bikes we haven't owned in years.
*Two Christmas tree stands.
*8 bed elevators.
*2 Samsonite suitcases full of air.
*Two trash bags of styrofoam peanuts that I had to painstakingly clean up because the bags disintegrated.
*Clay targets, empty shotgun shells, a child's life vest that was 30 plus years old.
*Empty boxes for all the electronics he bought over the years.
*Much more.

All of it made me feel so angry.
After 8 hours of tossing and sorting, I cleaned up best I could for the day.
I stacked the cardboard, loaded up the recycle bin, and created piles of things to deal with.
Things to shred.  Things to recycle as soon as the bin is empty again.
Things to donate.
Things to place outside for big trash day.
Then I went inside and drank wine.
The next day I hauled the giant BBQ pit, and the rest of the big trash out and placed it all at the curb.  I was in Beast Mode.  My neighbors have got to be wondering what is happening over here.
I'll tell you what is happening:  I am gaining control over my life.  I'm getting rid of things I cannot use or don't want.  Organizing what's left.  Apologizing to no one.  Not leaving my kids with everything we've ever owned.
The garage still has too much in it.  But I will work on this in stages.  And as each "kid" gets their own house, I will drive up with a housewarming gift for them - all of their stuff.  Because Mom cannot store it here in her garage forever.  And none of it will go back up into the attic.
Once all of the recycle stuff has made its way to the curb, this side of the garage will be free.  It will be free space.  Space to move.  Space to breathe.
Space that isn't choking on the past.
The shredding continues.  Loose ends are being tied up.  And I feel like I am dealing with all that I was left to deal with in the best way I can.
The kids can thank me later.


*otherwise known as Bulky Trash Pick-up where the city comes and hauls away the crap that doesn't fit in your bins...and usually the junk men with their trailers get here first and haul a bunch away so that it never reaches the landfill.


Jenny said...

I’d like to subscribe to your blog, but can’t seem to be able to! Could you post instructions on how to do that? I subscribe to lots, and never had a problem!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the clean out! But those peanuts....I can imagine the mess those suckers made. I find it sometimes hard to let go, but once I get's out of here!
x - Wendy