The heat can really do a number on my appetite, not to mention I feel really tired at the end of my workday.
It might not be soup weather, but there's something about a bowl of ramen that is comforting to me. I used to make it daily when I was in college. It was cheap, but also, adaptable. You can add veggies, meat, different broths. And I usually use only half of the seasoning packet, but I don't guess you could call it low sodium because of that.
Monday - Grilled Chicken Breast, summer squash, buttery rice
Tuesday - Quesadilla with bell pepper and onion on spinach tortillas, salad
Wednesday - Tilapia, a twice baked, brussels sprouts {working late}
Thursday - a freezer meal, steamed carrots on the side {working late}
Friday - TBD {working late tonight and I'm on call through next Wednesday}
Saturday - TBD
Sunday - Lemony Shrimp, pasta with peas, salad with diced peaches
A lot of times I come home, look at the thing I have planned and think "I don't want that". If I've thawed it out already, OK, I'll cook it. But sometimes I veer wildly from my meal plan. All of the food gets eaten, just maybe not in the same order, or even for dinner. Might end up being a lunch.
Might end up eating ramen noodles instead.
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