Wednesday, August 10, 2022

More closet evolution

 Since I was homebound for the weekend and it was hot as blue blazes, I decided to stay inside and tweak clean my master closet just a wee bit more.
Bit by bit it is reverting to its former purpose as a walk-in closet. In the past it had served as a "ham shack"/office, with some closet rods removed and the rest full-to-bursting.  At one point we had a filing cabinet, corner desk, ham radios, phone, computer, desk chair, shredder, old textbooks and manuals, Christmas decor, and ceiling fan in here. 
Behind the hanging shoes is the alarm system.
Still to do - get rid of the black stacking baskets.
I could probably go through the shoes and get rid of some.
Hanging jeans - not only because I am out of dresser space, but now I can see what I have.
Still loving the hanging purses and totes.

I love not having to fold every long sleeve tee and sweatshirt.
I took down the memo board that was in here, patched and painted the wall, centered the mirror. (That glare off to the side is a pretty crystal lamp that is hard to photograph when turned on)
Once I took all of the Christmas decor storage out of here, I had room to spread out.  A quick trip to Home Depot and I had another rod installed for all of my scrubs.  The Christmas decor went to live in the un-used guest bedroom closet, and I also took the chair out of here.
It looks like a lot of stuff, but I haven't been buying new clothes - just hanging what I already have so I can see them.  
Still to do:
*get some decorative boxes to store mementos in
*change out the bulbs in here for more natural light
*add a pretty rug and maybe art or a silk plant


Note: Its not lost on me that this closet, smelling pretty and with all of my own touches, would not be possible without the loss of Mark.  And while that grieves me, I can also hear his voice telling me to "do what makes you happy".  I have to remind myself that I if I had the choice, I would 100% sacrifice this closet, and in fact all of the closets in my house, to have my husband back with me.  


Anonymous said...

It looks great! Good job.

Anonymous said...

Your closet looks great. I love the hooks for your purses. About to order some for myself. I, too, have taken over our entire closet since my husband died in 2018. It is hard. Sending thoughts of peace & comfort