Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Eating for my hair

I've had times in the past where it seemed like my hair was falling out and/or suffering and I panicked and cut it all off, hoping that would give it a much-needed rest and stop me from obsessing over it.
And lately, I've been seeing a lot of my hair on the floor, in the shower drain, my car...and there seems to be big areas where you can see my scalp. 
tuna salad bowl

But this time I want to try something different, because I believe that there are things I can change before taking a drastic step.  So I did a little research and came up with a plan:
*Wash it sparingly, massage my scalp, use a softer hairbrush and handle it less often
*use gentler hair ties for when I must pull it back
* using sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner combo, discontinue the use of a leave-in conditioner (currently using this one and am going to try this one)
*Taking a supplement, in addition to my daily multivitamin which contains biotin.  Taking fish oil daily.
*wear a hat in the sun (which I was doing anyway)
*throw the blow dryer out the window (kidding, since I rarely use it anyway)
*Eat for hair growth.  Making sure I get enough protein, vitamins A and C, Omega 3, and biotin (see above).  I also read that eating high quality red meat for the iron and protein is helpful, but its likely I will only do that once a week.
*Include these foods into my diet:  high protein yogurt, strawberries, brussels sprouts, salmon, chick peas, eggs, tuna, sardines, lentils, nuts and seeds.  Most of these are very easy for me to add since I enjoy them. 
*use this hair oil

Hopefully, making some dietary changes and treating it gently will turn this ship around.  I know that my hair in my 60's will not be the same hair I had in my 30's and mostly I am OK with that.  I am also assuming that stress has played a big part in my hair loss over the last few months, and I hope to put some positive life changes into action to help with that. If all else fails, I can always buzz cut it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’m 55, and I’ve struggled with hair loss too. I had a major surgery in 2018 and again in 2021, and the amount of hair I lost each time was shocking, like handfuls in the shower. It has grown back in slowly, and I have a lot of shorter hairs that stick up. I’m in a shedding phase right now, so quite a bit falling out, but not handfuls luckily. I also take supplements, and I hope they’re helping. I don’t color my hair anymore because I don’t like the root regrowth and I don’t want to color it every 3 weeks. I stopped coloring and started giving myself haircuts during the pandemic lol. I would try a buzz cut; I think it would be freeing, and you can always grow it out. I think with all the reasons out there with why a woman might have short hair, nobody will dare say a thing to you about it. 😄 At least I hope so! - Susan