Friday, February 25, 2022

The Friday putseys

Mark had all sorts of funny words and phrases he would use often, one of them being "putsey".  He used it to mean something more like "putter".  Like doing little tasks around the house, just a putting things away, fixing this or that, figuring something out in a leisurely way.
So I use it to mean that, too!
pretty spearmint baby The Girl planted for me

Today my putsey plans include some tasks that really need to get done, but I'm going to follow a very loose schedule since whatever doesn't get done today can always be done over the weekend.  My plans include:

*buy groceries, do food prep, wipe out the fridge, deal with leftovers in there
*use the blower on the red rocks, rake the back yard, re-position the bricks along the fence
*maybe get my haircut, but definitely do a mani and pedi at home
*journal, read, write a friend
*package up a gift and card
*see about a safe deposit box, email the attorney
*put laundry up
*check all the smoke alarm batteries
*sew a little on the tee shirt quilt, a dress I've had cut out for well over a year, and hem a tee shirt
*read in bed, watch some Netflix
*freshen up my bathroom
*do a little kitchen organizing in the cabinets

Ok, that should do it for today...
Happy Friday!



Dawn P. said...

I love your 'to do '...maybe list. I am with you on one thing though... I totally need my hair cut !!!f I have been hacking away at it for almost 2 years during all this covid and it needs a professional cut !!!

Anonymous said...

Made me smile to know someone else uses "putsey". My mother and her mother used the term therefore I grew up using the "word". Karen