Monday, September 21, 2020

Empty Nest Menu #57

Simple is the name of the game with these menus as I focus on a couple of projects and not losing my mind at work... 
Monday - Seasoned Chicken Cubes, butternut squash, small serving of seasoned rice {order produce box}
Tuesday - Tuna Salad on toast with sliced avocado, Hatch chili corn chips
Wednesday - Polenta with bell pepper and onion marinara, green beans
ThursdayCrock Pot Roast Beef with carrots, onions, potatoes {freeze some for later meals}
Friday - Grilled Chicken, chard, baked sweet potato {change out kitchen water filters}
Saturday - Freezer meal - I have many containers in there that we need to empty! {work on the "folding chairs" project}
Sunday - Grilled Shrimp with mini peppers, brussel sprouts


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