Friday, September 11, 2020

Barn progress and stopping point

 Hubby and I ran up to Highlands last weekend to see if we could work on the barn a little bit more.  We had intended only to finish nailing up the remaining trim and caulking but we ended up painting it, too.  We still aren't finished with all that we want to do on it, but we have made real progress!  
Above is where we started just after the first of the year - Hubby got the walls and ceiling prepped with insulation.
We removed the A/C, built a box inside the cabin for the portable A/C vent, and added beadboard.
Now the window is empty to let light in, has a bigger sill and there is beadboard, trim, and paint.  Stopping point.  You can see the extra panel of beadboard we have leaning against the wall and I know the lighting isn't great but I will post full (and better) after photos when we get done!
The above photo is the opposite corner of the room.  All we added there was ceiling trim.  The next weekend we work on this we will likely touch up the paint and put the outlet covers back on, as well as re-hanging the TV.  I'm also going to make "skirts" for the folding tables in here and we will do blinds instead of curtains - just easier to secure privacy that way.
This was the corner of the room before (with some sunshine and shadow from the screen door opposite)...
...and this is the after.  Basically, the barn is a tiny home or efficiency, so the white walls were key to it not feeling cramped.  All that's left to add is flooring, then baseboards.  We will leave the lavender ceilings for now - we aren't sure if we can paint that material, but I would love for it to be black with tiny white lights strung up.  Its coming right along and will be a cozy little space!


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