Friday, September 4, 2020

5 thing Friday - feets, coffee, rain, Sticky Chicky, the weekend

Most days my feet hurt so bad by bedtime.  I thought I had solved that issue by buying new insoles for my favorite work shoes.  But no shoe out there will save your 60 year old feet from walking most of the day, and standing for hours wearing a lead apron.  
ooof.  So swollen.
When I worked retail, they hurt much, much worse.  Eight hours of being on my feet on wooden floors, usually wearing low heels or flats.  At the end of the day I could not even walk across carpet, they hurt so bad.  So I should be happy that by morning now, they feel pretty much back to normal and ready for another day.
I've gone back to drinking creamer in my coffee every day, not just weekends.  I can do black coffee, its just not my favorite.  I know I shouldn't have all those additives, fake flavors and sugar but they sure do make my cuppa taste great.  Chemicals for the win!
I spy a small wet bird taking shelter from the rain on a palmetto at the hospital, but getting wet anyway.  Come on rain!  We sure could use all we can get of it in Central Texas.  Its supposed to rain through Saturday and it feels a bit more Fall-like outside.
Sometimes getting off early means I get to enjoy dinner while it is still hot out of the crockpot!  This was Sticky Chicky, rice, and broccoli with carrots.  On a rainy evening it sure hit the spot. 
This Sunday we will be dog-sitting Teddy this weekend and I am also off on Monday!  So maybe Hubby and I will go, see, and do.  Hooray for September - the month I always think kicks off Fall and birthday season for the Cannary family.  Starting with The Girl on the 12th!


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