Monday, September 7, 2020

Empty Nest Menu #55

I took today off since Hubby would be off and no one else had spoken for it.  Anymore its hard to work those 5 day weeks.  Maybe its the weather.  Maybe its the pandemic.  Maybe its because our nest is empty.  But this will be a nice break.

Monday - Grilled chicken, chard {Labor Day, I'm on call M-Th, order my produce box}
Tuesday - Pork Chops, sauteed squash
Wednesday - Beef Tacos with avocado and tomato
Thursday - Link Sausage with onions and peppers, corn on the cob
Friday - (freezer) Spaghetti, brussels sprouts
Saturday - OUT {The Girl is 29 today!, pick-up at 7 Creeks and Fiesta}
Sunday - Italian Roast Chicken Thighs, roasted potatoes and carrots {pick up at Esperanza}


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