Friday, September 18, 2020

5 thing Friday - parking, moth, schnitzel, cards, empty nest once more

 After a couple of back and forth emails I was somehow able to convince an administrator that the elevators in the employee parking garage weren't opening in the evenings.  I was always winded when I finally got to my car.
 Glory Be, she saw to it and now I do not feel about to pass out when I reach my car.  And the view is great up there.  Above you can see the old Mueller airport tower from one side of the garage,
and on the other you can see a pretty sweet sunset.
 I spied a giant moth above the barn door last Sunday.  Huh.  Neat. 
I forgot all about it until it fluttered down to rest at my feet and scare me half to death.
Does it not look like a creepy cat face?
 Pork Schnitzel, sammich of my dreams.  The meat is too big for the bun!  Its glorious and I ate the whole thing.  I have only ever eaten them at Fiesta Winery.  I hope that particular food truck stays there forever.
Hubby and I created a makeshift coffee/cards table out of an old scout camp locker and played cards at Highlands last weekend. We munched on M&M's and enjoyed the a/c.
Coming home to an empty house is something we had to get used to all over again, as The Girl headed back to Houston with Teddy last Friday.  I will miss pestering her when I get home from work.


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