Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Reflux woes

Lately I have struggled with what I believe is silent reflux. 
I have an irritated throat which I clear often, as well as hoarseness, a feeling of fullness in my throat, and an acid aftertaste.  One night I woke up with that terrible taste in the back of my mouth and a burning.  YUCK. I notice it in times of stress, but also after a big meal, citrus, tomato, and morning coffee.  And I feel like its adding stress, which pushes my BP up...time to make changes: 
this might be my last Hot and Sour soup for awhile...

*Omeprazole for 14 days
*chew (fruity) gum after meals
*honey cough drops to relieve throat pain
*no alcohol, chocolate, mints
*continue walking
*wear comfortable loose pants
*sit up after eating and eat dinner no sooner than two hours before bedtime
*add more veggies, fiber, and eat less processed food
*eat smaller meals

All of this in addition to trying to follow better eating for my blood pressure, so now I am coming up with a plan that will work for me. Wish me luck!



Joanne said...

Oh I hope these thing work!

ytsmom said...

Could be a hiatal hernia