Friday, January 26, 2024

5 thing Friday - Subie, plumbing, smoke detector, decluttering, V-Day

I wish that I did not have to take Subie into the shop every January. 
Her little spa day is actually a 3 day trip that will set me back $$$.  So now, I feel like I am being forced to make a decision about all three vehicles once and for all.  I've been dragging my heels for many reasons.  I just need to get 'er done. I have never bought a car by myself.
Same with the plumbing sagas.  Turns out that the low pressure in the kitchen faucet was just an indication that it needed replacing due to hard water build-up in a part of the tubing that could not be repaired.  I'm not sorry I got the property shut off valve, pressure reducing valve, and irrigation valve replaced, though.  A lot of work.  Showers are amazing now.  The washer and toilet tank fill up faster, too.  And I feel good about both plumbers that came to my house.
Which is no small thing.
And how this house passed inspection (twice) without a P trap under the kitchen sink?  No idea.  It was built 30 years ago - why had Mark not noticed this either? Now its up to code the plumber told me.  Ha!
The intermittent chirping from the smoke alarm was making me batty.  So gathering up my courage, I hauled the ladder out of the garage. climbed as high as I could and removed the battery, intending to change it.  Then I realized that I could just take the battery out and leave it at that.
So I did.
Because the alarm company had installed a wired smoke detector.  Praise!  The detector is on a 12 ft. ceiling, and I am so afraid of heights.  Yet I gathered all of my courage and I stood on that ladder.  Proud of myself.
This is the most recent pile of  stuff that needs to go to Goodwill.  Its like an I Spy game - a plastic bull head, old chargers and cords, paperbacks, a bootjack, fake flowers, Christmas garland that is shedding, BBQ tools, a fridge filter I cannot use {because, oh yeah, the ice maker and water dispenser are kaput}, keychains, fondue pot, color-changing coffee mug, and a promotional lunch bag, among other odds and ends.  That got loaded up yesterday and I will drop it off today.
Ted's pool is going, too.
Was Christmas only a month ago?  This is all of my Christmas storage in one neat spot!  The more I purge what I don't want, the more room I have.
I like that.
Still haven't switched anything up in here, but I did hang a Valentine-y garland.  Both boys will be home with me this year - maybe I will make us some treats.  The 3 of us make a lonely hearts club of our own.



Joanne said...

Our smoke detectors are pretty high too so for now I recruit my 2 sons who are both over 6 feet tall to change batteries but I don't know what I'll do when they move out! :)

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Most of the smoke detectors I can get to by myself, but I have one on the vaulted ceiling in the living room that has to be dealt with by the local fire department. They have to bring a big extension ladder in order to get to it. I didn’t realize, until I moved into this house, that the fire department is willing to do that in order to keep people safe.

Buying a car on your own is scary. I know that because I just did it. Actually, I’m waiting for mine to arrive at the dealership, but I’ve reserved it. Part of me keeps thinking, what on earth have I done, while the other part thinks it was the right thing.

My Tireless Retirement said...

Bravo Gina! I hear you about the heights and climbing ladders. I just hate it.

Kim said...

"It's like an I Spy game"...hahaha! Yes, I have that same pile!