Monday, September 6, 2021

New life meal plan #2

After I cleaned out my closet and and put everything on the dozens of white hangers I already owned, I was left with this pile of multi-color hangers.
And they will find a new home, some of them going to Bubbie and my mother, others destined for Goodwill.

Monday - Grilled Chicken, collard greens, small potato
Tuesday - Skinny Burger (bun-less), salad with avocado and tomato
Wednesday - Tilapia, onions and peppers, seasoned pintos
Thursday - Crock Pot Pork Chops, butternut squash, maybe a salad
Friday - Chicken Alfredo Linguini, peas or green beans from the freezer

Just for grins, here's what my menu planning page looks like:

Rustown Menus






Mom Breakfasts:

M – oatmeal or cereal

T – smoothie

W – 2 eggs and toast/waffle

Th – smoothie

F – oatmeal or cereal

S – free choice

S – free choice

Weekly menus to include:


eggplant/okra/leafy greens




fish 2-3x/week

You can't go back and make a new start,

but you can start right now and make a brand new ending.

I'm still posting menus - it helps me to know "what's for dinner" at the end of my work day.  I print out this plan, fill in the spaces, write out my grocery list, then post this on the fridge.  I also "plan" lunches based on what leftovers I might have.  Then I can fill in the blanks for foods I want to add into my week and put those foods on the list, too.  Works great!


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