Monday, September 30, 2019

Empty Nest Menu #7

Just me...trynna catch a sunset in a stairwell at work...

- Brinner with eggs, ham, English Muffin toast (bringing my mother to Austin and back for her follow up eye appointment - lots of driving today)

Tuesday - Greek Rub Rib Chop, cheesy broccoli, twice baked potato
Wednesday - Meatballs and Rice Skillet with peas and carrots
Thursday - Sliced Mexican Pork dinner salad with romaine, fava beans, tomatoes, green onion, queso fresco
Friday - Brown Sugar Chicken, Divine Asparagus
Saturday - Our 34th Anniversary and we have two wine pick-ups so who knows what we will eat - probably grill something
Sunday - Fish Tacos with cabbage, monterrey jack, salsa, borracho beans

*Can it really be the end of September?!


Friday, September 27, 2019

5 thing Friday - garden plans, Stubby, cork art, owl pillow, homebody me

Recently we visited my sister in Georgetown and were admiring her Pride of Barbados shrubs out front.  She never even planted them there - she says they just appeared and started growing!
The birds or wind must be scattering the seeds.  She gave me several seed pods and I hope to grow some of my own at Highlands since they are deer-resistant. 
Last weekend, the little dog that belongs to our neighbors at Highlands showed up to beg for breakfast scraps.  So much whining and shivering.
Stubby, I like petting you and all, but you don't belong to me!  We placed a table and some folding chairs in a little shady spot a ways down from the barn.  I hope that every time we decide to eat breakfast al fresco in this spot, he doesn't arrive to beg.
The new winery we joined, 7 Creeks, has this amazing cork art displayed in their tasting room.  I mean come on - this woman's cork creativity takes it to a whole new level!!  Her daughter-in-law said she just free-handed it, gluing and placing as she went, no plan. 
I splurged on this owl pillow from PB. Since it takes a gigantic pillow form and I am a cheapo, I folded a large out-of-season blanket to stuff it with.  By the time we need the blanket, it will be time to decorate for Christmas.  Brilliant, no?
This week, I pulled my trusty crock pot out and made a chicken stew of sorts.  Then I cleaned the kitchen, swept and mopped the house, did all of the laundry, and made my bed.  It was so nice to come home to the house smelling wonderful and clean. 
I'm still a homebody at heart.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Weekend re-cap: winery goings and doings

Last week seemed to go on forever, so by the time we got to Saturday morning, I made it a point to get moving early enough in the day so that we could head to Burnet and eat breakfast at El Rancho.  Afterwards, we did a few smallish projects at Highlands.  I can't even remember what we did for lunch.
But for dinner, we headed to the wine club pick-up party at Torr Na Lochs for sunset views, hot dogs, popcorn, and theater candy.

I haven't had hot dogs that good in a long time.  Everything tasted great!
The movie was pretty cheesy {A Walk in the Clouds}, but the breezes were blowing, owls were hooting, and the evening was quite relaxing. We were back home to Highlands by 10 p.m. and though I tried to stay awake in my lawn chair, enjoying the cool breezes and stargazing, I pooped out by 11.
The next day after lunch we headed to Wedding Oak - since it is on our way out of town it will likely be a regular stop off on Sunday afternoons.
The views from the second story lounge look out over the booming metropolis of Burnet.
And there is a "members only" lounge downstairs that we relaxed in for quite a while, until the friendly owner happened by.  Hubby and he talked each others' ears off for a bit.  Turns out Hubby won a bottle of wine in the drawing they held on the last pick-up event. 
He gave us a bottle of 2015 Tempranillo Reserva to take home.  On the way, we may or may not have stopped off at yet another winery and we joined their wine club, which I have some remorse about.  But they have delightful wine, delish charcuterie, and the friendliest owners ever.  Plus, it doesn't hurt that they have chairs on a breezy yard underneath giant oaks overlooking a vineyard.  And each time we visit, we enjoy a complimentary glass of wine.  So, we have staked our spot out.  
We enjoyed a bottle of Alicante Bouchet - a new fav - then headed home to meet up with Firstborn so I could cut his hair.  We tried to get him to stay for dinner, but he had already eaten so we made plans to take him and LA to La Grange in a couple of weeks.  Its shaping up to be a fun Fall, full of going and doing on the weekends!


Monday, September 23, 2019

Empty Nest Menu #6

Hubby and I had a restful and fun weekend all rolled into one.  
Let's get this week started!

- Grilled Chicken, twice baked potatoes, spinach (using my Kohl's cash to order Hubby some new clothes today)

Tuesday - Stuffed peppers, corn (need to install some computer updates)
Wednesday - Crockpot Chicken Stew, garlic toast (hanging mini blinds in 3 bedrooms)
Thursday - Fajita Dinner Salads  (continue shaping up my home office and write a post about it!)
Friday - Soyaki Salmon with fried rice (study up on the new winery I will be investigating tomorrow, and I am on call tonight)
Saturday - Visiting two wineries in Fredericksburg, then to Highlands to make pizza
Sunday - Winging it - probably something from the freezer at home (taking my mother back to the eye doc tomorrow)


Friday, September 20, 2019

Here, and there, and here again

Today is a late posting, but that can't be helped.
 Go directly to the back of this meat market for BBQ!

I picked Mother up bright an early from Georgetown and we drove straight to the eye doc in central Austin.  Traffic was the usual on a Friday, but we made good time since I took the toll road.  The doc told my mother her eye looked good, post surgery, and we made a follow up appointment for the 30th.

 There is one choice for chips, people

We were all set to head back to Brenham when she realized she didn't have her glasses.  So we headed over to the surgery center just a few miles away.  After 20 minutes or so there, no luck.

 Pressed tin ceilings and giant windows

 About halfway to Giddings, where we decided to stop and eat BBQ.  The glasses were found, back in Georgetown, safe and sound, and will be mailed right off to Mother. Praise.

 You would think we were starving - a common theme for me lately

Crisis averted, we scarfed down some smoked pork shoulder sammies, potato salad, spicy pinto beans, and cokes.  Best lunch ever.

 Lyle Lovett memorabilia - bet he loved the pork shoulder, too

This BBQ restaurant and meat market was one of our favorite places to meet up in Giddings when my mother used to drive more.  I will be picking her up in about a week, traveling to Austin, seeing the eye doc, traveling back to Brenham, then back to Austin.  Lots of driving, but I would rather know she will be safely transported there and back.

 A leaf impression in her driveway

And maybe we will stop at the BBQ place again.  God willing.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Weekend re-cap - 4th Tap, Houston, San Marcos, home

It was a great weekend - we got to see a couple of our peeps, we ate good food, we relaxed. 
I made a bacon and mushroom quiche for Friday dinner:
Which we promptly stored in the fridge in order to feed our faces with pizza at 4th Tap.
They were releasing their House of Torment Pumpkin Ale.  I got zero pics of the pizza, but it was wonderful.  Since the ale release was a collaboration or tribute of some sort to a haunted house thing in Austin, there were scary clowns roaming around terrorizing people.  I was definitely not in the mood.  And I've had teenagers, you can't scare me, so go away.
We sat in their tank room as the tap room was full.  And people were wearing all manner of crazy costumes, but my phone mostly stayed face down on the table.  It was a week, people.
The next day we drove to Houston to visit The Girl*.  As you can see, her apartment is very expansive!  Lots of room for Teddy to play!  I made her one of her childhood favorites:  Enchiladas, (canned!) corn, black bean dip.  We watched about 100 episodes of Queer Eye and generally just lay around until bedtime.  Then the Girl cranked the A/C down to about 69, bless her, and I slept like a rock.
The next morning we took Ted to a fun outdoor place for brunch.
The sweet potato hash was the bomb!  Sweet potatoes, spinach, mushrooms, gruyere, avocado, egg, housemade aioli...YUM.  The Girl and Hubby ordered brisket hash which looked equally wonderful.  We all had croissants and coffee and it was all so good.  You would think we had never eaten.
We recovered back at her apartment, making our plans to visit a new to us winery in San Marcos, then take Bubbie to dinner. 
Check out the gigantic fig tree in their parking lot!
This winery was a nice little find .   I wrote up an article about it on Monday to send in for publication.  They had a big deck overlooking the San Marcos river and with fans blowing, it was quite pleasant.  We hung out there for a while before meeting Bubbie at his apartment and heading to get burgers for dinner.  Also, these happened:
A bunch of those got taken to go, along with half of my very delicious burger.
I had forgotten how good Grin's is - their broccoli cheese soup was amazing!
We dropped Bubbie back off, then drove to the top of his parking garage to admire the view.  Then we called it a weekend and headed home to put "big trash" out for the city's bulk pic-up this week.  An un-glamorous end to our traveling and eating weekend! And now, here it is Wednesday, we are halfway to another weekend...


Monday, September 16, 2019

Empty Nest Menu #5

- Brown Sugar Chicken, basmati rice, carrots {Big Trash Day}

Tuesday - Crock Pot Ribs, 1/2 a twice baked potato, broccoli
Wednesday - Turkey Pesto Meatballs, whole wheat spaghetti, green beans
Thursday - Honey Sriracha grilled chicken salads
Friday - {kitchen closed - out to eat} Pick up my mother at my sister's house in Georgetown, take her to her follow up eye appointment in Austin, feed her lunch, drive to Brenham, pick up her dog at the vet, take her home, drive back to Austin, drink a stiff drink.
Saturday - Wine club pick-up in Burnet, so we will eat there
Sunday - Dr. Martin's Mix 


Friday, September 13, 2019

5 thing Friday - another fiddle leaf, pretzels, rain needed, Bubbie cooking, Teddy

I found a smallish faux fiddle leaf fig at Target for $20.
 When I got to the register it rang up for $14.99.
The best road trip snack ever. We found them at Ace hardware in Lampasas.  At $8 a bag, we are eating them in small servings and they live in the fridge at Highlands.  They're not exactly a health food.
We were bemoaning the yellowed grass at Highlands and the lack of rain last Saturday, but then it came down in buckets on Sunday!  What we need is several sustained days of it there.  The drought makes me nervous from a fire standpoint.
Bubbie has been cooking for himself and actually took photos of a couple of my recipe cards so he could make the dishes up at college.  His first meal cooked for himself?  Dr. Martin's Mix, a family favorite.
 He even made himself some containers for lunches.  And sent me pics. 
I sure miss that kid.
Teddy made it into my first ever published article for Texas Wine Lover website.  Here he is relaxing on the oriental rugs scattered across the winery floors, looking ever so photogenic.  Go here to read the article.  Happy Friday the 13th!


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Learning to cook for two again

I'm still figuring out this "cooking for two" thing.  
One of my favorite things to prep is a dinner salad, using romaine, fresh tomatoes, some kind of cheese, and bits and bobs of other veggies.  I have to make sure to pick up plenty of fresh veggies at the store and use them on a daily basis.  I give it a few minutes each morning and it is manageable.
Also, I invested in some glass containers for packing our lunches in.  I've been buying frozen steamable veggies and layering up in a bowl.  In goes veggie and some sliced chicken or pork from my grilling at Highlands.  Or, I will cook a meal like I was doing for four people, and just serve and store the leftovers right away for a future lunch.  I try to pack a fruit and cottage cheese to go along with, as well as something I can keep in my pocket to keep me out of trouble at the gift shop. Who knew that cooking for two required as much prep for two people as it did for six?


Monday, September 9, 2019

Empty Nest Menu #4

We need rain so badly!  The only thing thriving at Highlands is cacti, and even it needs watering:

- Conchitas con chicken**, lima beans

Tuesday - Pork Chop and pan gravy over rice, green beans with mushrooms
Wednesday - BBQ Lime Shrimp, zucchini medley, garlic toast
Thursday - Grilled Chicken Salads (romaine, pear, bleu cheese, pecans)The Girl's birthday!!
Friday - Bacon and veggie quiche (the 13th!  payday and put out stuff for Big Trash Day)
Saturday - Uuni pizzas (or maybe we will visit The Girl in Houston)
Sunday - Freezer Meal (its leftovers that I will heat once we get home)
**This is a boxed pasta mix that I am adding chicken to


Friday, September 6, 2019

5 thing Friday - a jetsetter, clean room, traffic, patio set, disco lights

My jet set girl was home for a bit, flew to LA for a couple of days, came home for a few hours, drove to Fredericksburg for a few days, then back home for more visiting, collecting Teddy and heading back to Houston.
It was nice to see her and we took she and Ted to a couple of breweries and a winery, which you can read about here.  That growler she's enjoying iced water from is really nice - I think we need two of them, please!
When the dust settled from moving Bubbie, I did some touch up paint in his room, cleaned the carpets, put clean linens on his bed, added a lamp and a plug-in air freshener and closed the door.  I will go in there every now and then to water the plants, though.
My only goal was to dust and clean so he has a nice space for when he visits!
 Traffic in Austin
 I took a couple of pics with my phone as we were headed to the B52's concert.
 I guess folks who work downtown are used to it?
Hubby and I came upon this patio set, thinking it would be great for Firstborn but he declined.  So we snapped it up for Highlands.  A couple of coats of black spray paint and it will live on the barn's patio.  It was marked down from $130, so I think we got a deal!
Silly night time picture of something I like to call Disco Fireplace - ha!  The same kind of fun light bulbs they have at one of our favorite wineries - looks a little like lights rippling through water and is very relaxing.  Its the little things, ya know.
