Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday menus #91

This week might be my easiest menu in a long time.  The only thing I'm really cooking is stew, and all that involves is cutting up meat and adding it to the crockpot since I am using whole mini potatoes and frozen green beans.  One small pot of stew will equal two meals and two future meals.  The chicken for the salad and taco nights is already cooked. 

Monday - Chicken Salad with romaine, chickpeas, bell pepper, purple onion, grape tomatoes {off work today}
Tuesday - Crockpot Pork Stew made with mini potatoes and green beans {HOA Ice Cream Social in the p.m.}
Wednesday - No cooking whatsoever - overnight cabin visit in the Texas Hill Country
Thursday - leftover pork Stew {telehealth visit in a.m., followed by lunch and shopping in Wimberley}
Friday - Chicken Tacos with rotisserie chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, cheese {light housework catch-up}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed {Mark and Gina 39 years}



Joanne said...

That sounds like a perfectly easy kitchen week!

Joni said...

Happy Anniversary! Lace and agate. I wish you a peaceful week and sweet reflection of your marriage. Yummm, stew and rustic loaf of bread. Comfort food for sure. Take care.

Kim said...

I love easy meals...stew in the crock pot is my favorite.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I haven’t made stew in ages, but you’ve made it sound like such a good idea. I think I’ll wait until the weather takes a cool turn, because it seems to taste so much better then.