Friday, September 27, 2024

Random thoughts

 This week has been a bit of a booger, and I'm going to chalk that up to it being the first anniversary of my mother's death.  I think the grief around that has intensified the feelings I have about other things and knowing that might help give me perspective.
a win this week: learning how to jump the truck so I could drive it over to AutoZone for a new battery.

I have discovered this week that impulsive actions and emotions take away from my peace.  On the other hand, measured thoughtful responses will give me time to make a gradual mental shift and help me to gather my thoughts.  Sounds easier than it is, but I will just continue to remind myself. Also, talking to a friend has been very helpful!
All that to say: I don't have a 5 thing Friday post.  Just some random thoughts.
And as always, the desire to move forward.
Happy weekend,


1 comment:

Michelle of the South said...

Sometimes those random thoughts are the best. I know that I don't fully do my best when I let impulsive actions take hold, especially in my human interactions. I need time to process, then respond, or choose not to respond. My job requires a quick response almost always and yes, a lot of it can be impulse, so it drains me right out. Happy Friday!