Friday, September 27, 2024

Random thoughts

 This week has been a bit of a booger, and I'm going to chalk that up to it being the first anniversary of my mother's death.  
a win this week: learning how to jump the truck so I could drive it over to AutoZone for a new battery.

I have discovered this week that impulsive actions and emotions take away from my peace.  On the other hand, thoughtful responses will give me time to gather my thoughts.  Sounds easier than it is, but I will just continue to remind myself. Also, talking to a friend has been very helpful!
All that to say: I don't have a 5 thing Friday post.  Just some random thoughts.
And as always, the desire to move forward.
Happy weekend,



Michelle of the South said...

Sometimes those random thoughts are the best. I know that I don't fully do my best when I let impulsive actions take hold, especially in my human interactions. I need time to process, then respond, or choose not to respond. My job requires a quick response almost always and yes, a lot of it can be impulse, so it drains me right out. Happy Friday!

Joanne said...

Funny enough my mom and I needed a jump this morning when her car wouldn't start after our gym workout; we too went to Autozone to get it replaced. Good for you for figuring out how to do it. It's been so long since I used a jump pack I'm not sure I would have remembered what to do!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I always come here for your five things Friday post, but I completely understand why you didn’t do one today. I know how painful today had to be for you. I am still struggling with the loss of my dad and it was five years in February. I have just come to accept that for the rest of my life I’m just going to be sad. I don’t think there’s any way around that. That doesn’t mean that I don’t get a lot of enjoyment out of my life because I do, but there is an underlying sadness that is never going to go away.

Kim said...

Anniversaries are always hard. They pull at our hearts and minds in a bittersweet way. I'm with you regarding the impulsive actions, especially when it comes to my diet. I find that when I take a measured approach I feel better, but I eat impulsively sometimes and it's not good. I like your words. I need to keep them front and center. I hope you have a nice weekend!

Joni said...

Oof a week of growth and reflection. I recently was taught how to replace the huge truck batteries (3 of them) in the diesel farm truck. I purchased a battery charger/tender for the other vehicles (tractor & 4 x 4). Growth!
Treat yourself to a special kindness - your mom's favorite treat or recipe. I planned a day of kindness for myself (hair cut, sauna, plunge and massage) for my husband's birthday.

My Tireless Retirement said...

Sometimes life just spins us that way. Good for you to have the desire to keep moving forward. I'm glad you have a friend you can talk to. Friends are the best!