Friday, September 6, 2024

5 thing Friday - cooking, thinning hair, frozen yogurt, The Girl, new toy

 I'm pretty much still on the "I hate cooking" train.
Obviously I have to prepare food to eat, so I have been relying on one bowl or one pot meals for the most part.  A cooked and flaked salmon filet is delightful on a bagged chopped salad, for example.
And a one pan stir fry with beef tips, pre-cut stir fry veggies and some microwaved ramen noodles hit the spot one night.  My menus may sound like I'm going to a lot of trouble, but that's all smoke and mirrors.
I'm actually spending my available brain space in working on myself.  I finally made an appointment to see a dermatologist about my hair, which continues to fall out at an alarming rate.  I'm almost ready to just shave it close to my head.
Two core biopsies and two weeks to wait and hopefully we will have some answers.
I read somewhere that Grape-Nuts cereal is a popular ice cream flavor and I had definitely never heard of that.  So, of course, I had to try it, but I am not about to make my own ice cream.  Instead, I bought some frozen yogurt, softened it, mixed the cereal in, then popped it back into the freezer.  I gotta tell you, the flavor combo is great, but the cereal is still very crunchy.  Like, don't-eat-this-if-you-have-weak-teeth crunchy.  Even as a cereal you need to let it sit in milk for a bit to soften up.  
Consuela charm, Fall candy, fiddle leaf, moola

The Girl has a birthday next week.  I haven't seen her in months.  I am well aware that kids grow up and leave home and live their lives but I also cannot reconcile the fact that we are a family, first and foremost, and it takes mere seconds to check in with each other given all the instant technology we have now to do so.  All that to say: I miss her very much. Rant over.
For my 30th workiversary, my employer sent me a 30 year pin, and my choice from a "prize" catalog.  So I picked out a tablet, as the Nook is not going to be as helpful as I thought it would for watching exercise videos and Hulu and whatnot.  It came with a stand, headphones, keyboard, and carrying case.  I can't wait to get it all set up today!



Joanne said...

That salmon salad bowl looks delicious! I hope you get some answers about your hair; I would never have thought that would be a problem a dermatologist would help with but that makes sense... I just called to check in my son at college; it's been a week since we talked and he sounded surprised to hear from me! LOL But at least I now know he's still alive. ;)

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I could have written this blog post, so much of it hits home with me. I had salmon for dinner tonight. Just a piece of salmon. That was my dinner. But, I got a box from Wild Alaskan Company because I wanted wild caught fish. My husband used to be the fish cooker, so this was entirely new to me. I mixed melted butter, honey, and Dijon mustard together and brushed it on the top, then I threw a couple pecans, some fresh parsley, and some Panko breadcrumbs in my little mini food processor, chopped it all up and patted it on top of the salmon. And then baked it at 400° for about 12 minutes, then covered it and let it rest. Phenomenal! Restaurant quality. I was so impressed.

Now for the hair. I hear you. When my stylist noticed a difference in the eight weeks since she had last seen me, it was a cause for concern. Unfortunately, a medication that I have to take can cause thinning hair. But, I am now using rosemary shampoo from Sephora, as well as a rosemary serum, and will see if one of those things works. Speaking of serums, my arthritis pain was so bad I was hobbling. I had read about the benefits of frankincense oil, so I got some of that, mixed it up with a little almond carrier oil, and would you believe it actually worked?! I could not believe it!

Kids, what can I tell you? My youngest son comes and hangs out with his mom at least once a month. He makes a day of it. Sometimes it can be exhausting because five hours of conversation is a lot, but I love the heck out of that boy. My older son who lives about a mile and a half from me, I haven’t seen since June. We text, but it’s not the same. Yes, kids have their own lives, but when I was growing up, family was everything. It’s heartbreaking.

Sorry to go on so. You just happened to hit on quite a few sensitive topics. I hope next week is a good one for you, Gina.

My Tireless Retirement said...

Wow! What a great gift from your employer. I also understand your feelings about your kiddos. Mine have been MIA for a while now and I miss them soooooo much. They have no idea how it breaks my heart, but they have their own lives now.