Friday, August 30, 2024

A milestone

 Last weekend marked my 30th year as a Radiologic Technologist - a healthcare profession that many are starting to see plays an absolutely vital role in the medical world.  
I graduated from a local community college program with good grades and my family intact, although the two years of school and financial struggles took it's toll on us at the time.  And we had many more miles to go...
After graduation I got hired at the city's trauma hospital, and that's when the real education began.
But I had loving support and a drive to succeed.
Going to school and clinic full time, while working part time and raising kids left me exhausted most of the time, even for the relatively young age of 34.  So working full-time and continuing on with raising and expanding our family seemed like a seamless transition.
Not gonna lie - Mark and I faced many struggles until we found the right pace of life.  And I think that my mother was right to encourage me into this profession, as it has helped me in so many ways, not just financially.  I feel proud of myself and the example I set for my children.  And I know that through the job I have done all these years, I have been able to provide for my family in a meaningful way.
Happy 30th milestone, indeed!



Joanne said...

Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment indeed.

Joni said...

Thank you, Gina, for sharing this huge accomplishment! When you are so busy raising your kiddos, being a wife, continuing your education and working...oh my word a holiday should be named for you. Do you look back in wonder and say I need a t-shirt that reads: I survived and thrived!?! What a fantastic example of "can do" that I've ever seen. Well done, good job and congratulations!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

30 years! Congratulations! It’s clear that you are proud of this accomplishment, and you certainly should be. It’s good to know that there are people like you in the industry who work hard at their jobs, love them, and are responsible.

wolfek said...

Super Woman!!!

Kim said...

Happy Milestone, Gina!! That's amazing! Sounds like it wasn't always an easy road, but totally worth it. Ps - love the hair and the dress!! I definitely had them both!! Haha!

My Tireless Retirement said...

Well done Gina! Congratulations! You have done an amazing job.
Love the photos.