Friday, August 23, 2024

5 thing Friday - pumpkin pillow, fall decor, nuts, "dead" tree, happy hour

 I saw this cute pumpkin pillow on Instagram and ran right over to Wal-mart to get it.  As pillows go, its purely decorative.
Did I need it?  No.  But look how cute it is!  I set out the rest of my Fall stuff, too.
And I made a couple of floral arrangements using stuff I already had.  The one in my bedroom looks fuller in person - the vase has old potpourri filler and tiny pinecones.  I also spruced up the room, changing out the linens and giving every surface a good clean.
The one on the dining table seems wackily large but I'm going with it.
A squirrel is feasting DAILY under my patio set,
eating the pecans that are falling from what my neighbor referred to as a "dead" tree that he was planning on cutting down.  Besides it being a very healthy tree, it makes pecans now, and its sitting smack dab on the fence line.  So much so that a cut out was made in the fence to accommodate it.
So, no, it stays.
The 100 degree plus days means its too hot to even leave the house.  So I made my own stay-at-home-fun by slicing up some spicey cheese and peaches, and adding in some blueberries and crackers.
Happy Hour is served - stay cool!



Joni said...

I love that pumpkin pillow, too! I have saved back a sherpa sweater and a 90's angora sweater to make a couple. I made one last year as a housewarming gift. I wish I could send our 60's temps to you. I had to get out my fall clothes early this year. Quick, call the whambulance!

Joanne said...

That pumpkin pillow is so cute. I love that idea of using potpourri to fill in the bottom of a vase.

Kim said...

What a cute pillow! Sometimes you just have to buy things because they're purpose needed...if they make you smile!

Allison said...

Your flower arranging skills are so impressive! Both arrangements are gorgeous!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

That pumpkin pillow is so cute. I have seen so many cute things this month that I’m having a hard time resisting. I must, however. I have more autumn decorations than I do Thanksgiving and Christmas combined. I think it’s probably because I’m so glad to see fall come after a hot summer that I go a little crazy.