Friday, September 13, 2024

5 thing Friday - needles, spiced coffee, potpourri, techie, ladder

 I had quite the fun/painful week.
(covered in tegaderm which I will remove later today)
On Tuesday, I got a largish tattoo on my left arm.  Eventually I will add more to it, and I will take a photo of the whole thing to show when it is more healed.  Then we will chat about it!
Adding vanilla protein milk to Trader Joe's pumpkin spiced cold brew is a delightful mid-morning iced coffee break.  Although the weather here is heating back up, I can sip this and pretend we will get cooler temps before October rolls around...I think of The Girls' birthday (yesterday) as being the official start of Fall.
And speaking of that, I did buy a bit of Fall potpourri for that pretty bowl I found.  I added pinecones and some jute wrapped balls to it.  The enclosed "cinnamon oil" smells like nothing, but its pretty, so it stays.
Flu shot? Check. RSV shot? Also check.  It was a week of needles.
I really meant to work on my tablet last week, but I dragged my heels a little.  Then it took 10 hours to charge.  But yesterday I finally did get going on it!  Much as its frustrating to learn techie type things by yourself, you sometimes have to flex that mental muscle and do it.
We haven't had any sort of ladder program for X-Ray techs at work in years.  So when they announced that we are now qualified to participate, our manager encouraged us to go for it.  My department is committed to making sure that all of us get support and recognition.  What a difference your boss makes, right?  This is on my short list of things to work on tomorrow!
Happy Friday the 13th!



Joanne said...

Can't wait to see the completed tattoo!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Fall potpourri! I know I have some of that somewhere, but where? I even have an adorable bronze leaf bowl (rather large-ish) that I would put it in. Thanks for the reminder. I need to go digging around in the belly of the beast to find that.

wolfek said...

I laughed at myself because when I first went to your blog I thought I was on the wrong one! Surprize!!!

Kim said...

Brave girl! I bet it's beautiful, can't wait to see more of it.