Monday, February 26, 2024

Monday menus #60

One day last week, I was on my way to the thrift shop with donations midday and thought "I'll just grab a lunch at the local food truck park".  Its close to home, the weather was perfect, yada yada. 
But crimony its expensive to eat out!  One chicken wrap with no sides or drink was $12.50.  Now granted, it was fresh and delish.  But why is food so expensive now?  Used to be that we blamed the pandemic, but I don't think we can use that as an excuse now.  I may have to rethink the whole eating out thing, much as I love supporting local small business in the form of food trucks.

Monday - kitchen closed, but I have three freezer meals of Cowboy Chicken with Rice
Tuesday - Mole Chicken Thighs, skillet potatoes, calabaza squash {morning tax office appointment for the Baja, work 8:30pm-1:30 am}
Wednesday - (crockpot) Pulled Pork on buns, coleslaw {PCP appt at 730 am}
Thursday - Pinto Beans and Black Pepper and Paprika Sausage with onions and peppers, corn muffins
Friday - Chicken and Cream Cheese Tamales, chopped salad {Happy Birthday Mom - send $ to senior citizen center in Brenham in her honor, pay house note, lunch out}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed


Friday, February 23, 2024

Little project: clothing and shoe purge

Over the years, I've posted lots about the master closet - how it basically went from train wreck to peaceful.  At one point it was a closet/office combo and literally stuffed from corner to corner.  I hated it so much. Fast forward to the last big purge being August of 2022.  So now its time to go through all of these clothes again.  Let's get started!
fairly organized, but let's take a closer look 

I went through everything that was hanging, then all of the shoes, then lastly my dresser drawers.  I kept these things in mind:
*does it fit, does the color flatter, do I like the style?
*has it been untouched for a year or more?
*is it damaged to the point I don't want to mend/alter it?
*is it special occasion/emotionally charged clothing I won't wear any time soon?
*Am I keeping this item because it has a memory attached?
*for shoes: are they comfortable, useful, in good shape?

I did fold things to fit them nicely into the bags

I pulled everything out.  Looked at it carefully.  Tried some things on.  Made decisions. Did not equivocate.
the stacking crate with tennies and flip flops went to the garage

Then I organized everything by type of clothing - similar to what it had been.  There is plenty of room in here for everything, but the point is I only want to keep what I will actually use.
13 scrub tops = 4 workweeks' worth of work clothes, which is plenty!

I even went through all my scrubs - if it doesn't fit, I'm not storing it.  And I found at least 4 tops that still fit me, so why wasn't I wearing them? 
I still haven't added pretty storage up top

Having fewer things to choose from means you stress less about your clothes.  And I am sure that I will still add clothing pieces here and there as I need them.  But I am also going to focus on buying better quality clothing that fits my shape and style.  So it won't come home with me unless I need or want it.  I feel like this will save me money in the long run and make me feel more confident in what I'm wearing.
5 pairs of shoes can goooo

For me, shoes seemed to be emotionally charged.  There were the heels I wore to Bubbie's high school graduation, the wedges I wore to the last concert Mark and I went to, the sandals I spent a few summers with the boys in.   But there's no point in keeping shoes that I won't wear in the near future.  The things I wore in my 40s or 50s aren't necessarily the things I want to wear now. 
"If it fits, it can sit" does not apply

And so they can go to bless someone else.
Last time I did a big clean in here, I had plans to add another hanging shoe caddy, get daylight bulbs, add pretty storage and a pretty rug, remove shelving system.  I did change out the bulbs, then I stopped there.  But by the idea of "addition by subtraction", I don't need to add much else to my closet to make it work for me.
On to the next project!


Monday, February 19, 2024

Monday menus #59

 What I disliked the most about selling on Ebay was the haggling.  Its one of the reasons I never really liked to have garage sales and eventually, I stopped doing them.  I would rather donate than go back and forth for a few dollars at a time.  Either buy it or don't!
That being said, I was able to clear out a bunch of things that I knew I didn't want to wear anymore, my daughter would have no interest in, and someone else can love them.  But I don't think Ebay will be any kind of regular thing for me.  I don't see how people do that as a full-time gig.  

Monday - kitchen closed
Tuesday - Roast Beef "subs" with lentil soup {on call tonight}
Wednesday - Pork al Pastor Quesadillas, beans, rice {on call tonight}
Thursday - BBQ Chicken Salads (romaine, avocado, purple onion, cheddar, chicken) {"decorate" for Easter}
Friday - Tilapia, chard, corn {payday and lunch out}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed


Friday, February 16, 2024

Little project: dresser purging and clock hanging

 When I took the TV off of Mark's dresser, it morphed into a medium sized project.
I had to take the dresser drawers out just to move it enough to unplug it, and since I had done that I figured why not vacuum the dust bunnies behind it?  And inside of it, too.
Some time this year I would also like to replace all the carpeting and give my room a fresh coat of paint, as well as paint the furniture.  One project at a time, though...
The drawers were very heavy - full of the rest of his personal and office things that I had kept.  A month after he died, I had shoved all this stuff into the drawers and mostly avoided it.  I had already filled trashbags full of stuff to get it down to this.  So instead of just placing the drawers back into the dresser frame, I went through them all and purged again.  
I try to be be mindful when purging/cleaning/organizing.  What items will the kids want someday vs. what will they not want to deal with.  Obsolete media and outdated manuals can go.  But certificates, photos, Boy Scout items, things he hand wrote - so much harder to toss.
Each empty drawer felt both satisfying and sad. My aim is for my peeps to have a complete picture of their dad.  The recycle bin is once again full.   And the rest of it got sorted and organized.  Shouldn't be unduly hard on any of us someday.
I put it all back together, vacuumed the room, and put a flicker bulb into the crystal lamp.  It looks so bare.
I added the burlap scrap, long with a ceramic dove.  But omigosh, the wall space.  I briefly considered buying a larger wall clock (too pricey), or some art for the wall (again, pricey), then thought, let's see what I already have.
I tried a couple of things here before I thought about using this wreath.  I liked it for about 10 minutes, but where would I put the clock?  Turns out I use it all the time.  (pun intended)
What if I hung the clock inside of it?  No, too bulky.  And the wreath by itself was like a bush sticking out from the wall.  What I need is a flat ceiling medallion I can paint to match, or even a flat basket.  I love a touch of natural materials...what else could I use?  What about a flat placemat?
I layered it under the clock, then stepped back and almost fell over laughing.  Its literally a PLACEMAT. Its fine, it makes the clock look larger on the wall, I'm done.


Monday, February 12, 2024

Monday menus #58

After cleaning Mark's dresser out, I decided to change up the look of my room.  I haven't had a set of pretty pink sheets in years.  For about 5 years after I married, I worked at Laura Ashley Shop.  One year I won a sales contest and received a full set of sheets as a prize.  I loved them for many years, but I don't think Mark was a fan.  
I purged a couple of extra sheet sets in my linen closet. (they are ugly)  Used to be you had to order directly from Laura Ashley or purchase in the shops, but nowadays you can get these on the Home Depot website.  Who'd have thought?

Monday - kitchen closed, but I have freezer items the boys can eat
Tuesday - Cowboy Chicken over rice, zucchini
Wednesday - Sloppy Joes on Hawaiian buns, chips/pickles/onions, kale salad {and maybe a Valentine treat for all of us!}
Thursday - Beef Tips with onion and mushroom gravy, rice? potatoes?, kale salad {respirator fit testing at work}
Friday - Teriyaki Tilapia with stir fry veggies {trim the shrubs}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed, but we will have leftovers


Friday, February 9, 2024

5 thing Friday - beer, Ebay, wrapping supplies, dinner, thrifting

One day last week, I stopped into The Burnet Go-To for old time's sake. Why not reclaim this place for myself?  The 512 Pecan Porter was delightful.  I might need to go back there today.  So much for resolutions.
Previously it was known as the Growler Room.  Mark and I spent many an afternoon there, drinking a pint and playing cards.  The owner sold it, then applied for a job there.  Ha!
Its much lighter and brighter than this photo shows.  The barkeep was very friendly and the place was an oasis of calm during the day.  I shall be back.
I listed 14 things to sell after cleaning out my jewelry chest.  My tastes have changed and I want life to be a bit simpler.  Here are the listed items, waiting for their new home, packing supplies at the ready.  James Avery is a popular pick on Ebay.
I felt a little sad with each item listed.  Not because I wanted to hold on to them, as objects.  But because its one more step in a different direction, one more change, another reminder that life is different.  And I know that more jewelry does not make you happy, even if you love shiny things.
While I was digging around for padded envelopes I went through some Christmas bows and bags to cull through.  Will anything in this house escape my purging and organizing? 
This is not a healthy dinner.
But I'm not about to throw food away that I have already purchased, so its going to get cooked and enjoyed.  This was a hamburger "steak" with onions and poblanos, seasoned pintos on the side.  Pass the ketchup.
A little treasure, this switch cover found at Goodwill as I was looking for books.
I found said books, along with the cover and a new Tervis with lid - total of $14.
These no-sweat tumblers are perfect - I use them mostly at work and on my nightstand. 
Its like a little mini painting in the bookcase!  Me like.
Happy Weekend!


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Crafting: handkerchief sachets

I was doing some minor cleaning and purging and came across some pretty hankies that seemed a shame to just store away.  Some were made by my mother and feature embroidery and crochet.  I thought they would make pretty sachets, no sewing involved!
This one was one of my favorites.  Believe it or not, we used to carry these in our purses, my sisters and I.  Such a feminine thing - my mother would tuck them into our stocking or Easter basket.  There's a blue one with matching crochet flowers pressed in my wedding album that I may have to repurpose - it was my "something blue" once upon a time.
I almost ordered lavender buds, then ran across an idea using epsom salt.  Its less expensive, smells great, and you can always use it until the scent weakens, and then just refill with fresh.
They were all clean, so I just pressed them.
Then I scooped about a third of a cup in the center of each hanky and tied them up with some velvet ribbon I had in my stash.
I spent about 20 minutes making several of these and tucked them away in my dresser drawers.  And I guess I could've used a simple square of fabric.  But these have an extra pretty touch with their pretty lacey or decorative edges!


Monday, February 5, 2024

Monday menus #57

I cancelled Netflix and cleared the TV off of Mark's dresser in my bedroom.  For one, I don't watch all that much TV, if any.  For another, it was a good place to set this lamp that used to belong to his mother. She had it set up in her guest bedroom, aka Mark's old bedroom.  
I bought a flickering flame bulb that's supposed to mimic a candle.  I wish it were less orangey-pink, but I love it in the late afternoons or early mornings.  I have always loved this crystal nightlamp as it, but a flicker bulb and burlap ribbon made her a little dressier. I might put it on a timer!

Monday - kitchen closed
Tuesday - (Crockpot) BBQ Seasoned Chicken Legs, skillet potatoes, zucchini {pick up Home Depot order}
Wednesday - Beef Patties with onions and poblano pepper, pinto beans, side salad
Thursday - Cheesy Mac and Cheese with ham, brussels sprouts {dental work today!}
Friday - Mini Turkey Pot pies, side salad {yardwork, weather permitting}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed


Friday, February 2, 2024

5 thing Friday - gardening, bricks, Boomer, Mark's birthday, cuttings

 I have quite a few projects for my landscaping that I want to work on. Exhibit A:
Every winter the lantana "dies" and I cut it back, then it returns full force in the spring.  But for some reason the last couple of years its been super wimpy and is trying to completely die off.  So I'm going to start over with this area by emptying the bed, reconditioning the soil, adding mature lantana plants.  Here is the goal:
So beautiful!
Lantana loves the heat and doesn't need to be watered daily, so I am assuming that something else caused the issue.  Speaking of issues:
This fuzzy mold roars into life every time the weather gets cool.  You can sweep it off and it practically grows before your eyes.  (its not efflorescence)  I have scrubbed the bricks with bleach, with a vinegar solution, with masonry always comes back. I ordered a spray fungicide and disinfectant from Home Depot and we will see if that helps.
The therapy doggo came by to see us on Monday.  He is huge and very calm and left behind a whole lotta hair.  We might have petted him for 30 minutes - he got a LOT of attention.  Every workplace should have some sort of therapy animal program.  Its nice to pause an pet an animal that you know you aren't responsible for, ha ha.
Happy 63rd birthday in heaven, Mark.  I drank a pint in your honor and enjoyed it with chips and guacamole.  I sat outside and had a lengthy text convo over the state of mom's house.  Note to self: do not mix a fun thing with an un-fun thing and expect the fun thing not to lose its fun.
I re-potted Bubbie's sansevieria, harvesting a small amount of it.  Somewhere recently I read that dirt is not crucial to growing houseplants and I will test that theory using two spaghetti jars and these cuttings.  Wouldn't a whole row of houseplants in various jars look pretty in my office window?
Happy Weekend!
