Monday, February 5, 2024

Monday menus #57

I cancelled Netflix and cleared the TV off of Mark's dresser in my bedroom.  For one, I don't watch all that much TV, if any.  For another, it was a good place to set this lamp that used to belong to his mother. She had it set up in her guest bedroom, aka Mark's old bedroom.  
I bought a flickering flame bulb that's supposed to mimic a candle.  I wish it were less orangey-pink, but I love it in the late afternoons or early mornings.  I have always loved this crystal nightlamp as it, but a flicker bulb and burlap ribbon made her a little dressier. I might put it on a timer!

Monday - kitchen closed
Tuesday - (Crockpot) BBQ Seasoned Chicken Legs, skillet potatoes, zucchini {pick up Home Depot order}
Wednesday - Beef Patties with onions and poblano pepper, pinto beans, side salad
Thursday - Cheesy Mac and Cheese with ham, brussels sprouts {dental work today!}
Friday - Mini Turkey Pot pies, side salad {yardwork, weather permitting}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed



wolfek said...

It is beautiful! You have a talent for decorating. Is the crocheted doily underneath a family piece?

Kim said...

The lamp is beautiful. We ditched the tv our room years ago...and it was great, until the laptops made their way in there!! Haha!!

My Tireless Retirement said...

Love the little lamp. Yay for ditching Netflix and removing the TV. Good job! Your menu plans sound delicious!