When I took the TV off of Mark's dresser, it morphed into a medium sized project.
I had to take the dresser drawers out just to move it enough to unplug it, and since I had done that I figured why not vacuum the dust bunnies behind it? And inside of it, too.
Some time this year I would also like to replace all the carpeting and give my room a fresh coat of paint, as well as paint the furniture. One project at a time, though...
The drawers were very heavy - full of the rest of his personal and office things that I had kept. A month after he died, I had shoved all this stuff into the drawers and mostly avoided it. I had already filled trashbags full of stuff to get it down to this. So instead of just placing the drawers back into the dresser frame, I went through them all and purged again.
I try to be be mindful when purging/cleaning/organizing. What items will the kids want someday vs. what will they not want to deal with. Obsolete media and outdated manuals can go. But certificates, photos, Boy Scout items, things he hand wrote - so much harder to toss.
Each empty drawer felt both satisfying and sad. My aim is for my peeps to have a complete picture of their dad. The recycle bin is once again full. And the rest of it got sorted and organized. Shouldn't be unduly hard on any of us someday.
I put it all back together, vacuumed the room, and put a flicker bulb into the crystal lamp. It looks so bare.
I added the burlap scrap, long with a ceramic dove. But omigosh, the wall space. I briefly considered buying a larger wall clock (too pricey), or some art for the wall (again, pricey), then thought, let's see what I already have.
I tried a couple of things here before I thought about using this wreath. I liked it for about 10 minutes, but where would I put the clock? Turns out I use it all the time. (pun intended)
What if I hung the clock inside of it? No, too bulky. And the wreath by itself was like a bush sticking out from the wall. What I need is a flat ceiling medallion I can paint to match, or even a flat basket. I love a touch of natural materials...what else could I use? What about a flat placemat?
I layered it under the clock, then stepped back and almost fell over laughing. Its literally a PLACEMAT. Its fine, it makes the clock look larger on the wall, I'm done.
I really enjoy how you look at objects and think outside the box. Placemats in the refrigerator! Placemats on the wall! It works so well. I am impressed by your creativity and willingness to try the out-of-the-box things. Wonderful!
I'm sure that was a difficult task. It couldn't have been easy to go through those drawers. I'm glad you were able to find a light moment in the decor choice of adding a placemat behind the clock...which I think is genius!! It looks just perfect there! I love a creative decorating fix.
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