Monday, February 19, 2024

Monday menus #59

 What I disliked the most about selling on Ebay was the haggling.  Its one of the reasons I never really liked to have garage sales and eventually, I stopped doing them.  I would rather donate than go back and forth for a few dollars at a time.  Either buy it or don't!
That being said, I was able to clear out a bunch of things that I knew I didn't want to wear anymore, my daughter would have no interest in, and someone else can love them.  But I don't think Ebay will be any kind of regular thing for me.  I don't see how people do that as a full-time gig.  

Monday - kitchen closed
Tuesday - Roast Beef "subs" with lentil soup {on call tonight}
Wednesday - Pork al Pastor Quesadillas, beans, rice {on call tonight}
Thursday - BBQ Chicken Salads (romaine, avocado, purple onion, cheddar, chicken) {"decorate" for Easter}
Friday - Tilapia, chard, corn {payday and lunch out}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed



Kim said...

I get it, Gina. I think about selling often, but then just dump everything in a box and drag it to the thrift store. I'm not sure I could deal with the haggling...and the shipping, etc.

Joni said...

I feel the same exact way! People are rude. Period. I have started schlepping stuff to family reunions, offering up things to remember me by...will they sell it? Maybe, but it's outta my hands (happily).

Anonymous said...

Hi Gina. I read you regularly but never comment so here goes! I’d rather give things away but to folks who really need the item than want to resell. I had one garage sale in my life when I relocated to another state and had to pay for the move myself. Ugh- folks started coming an hour early and grabbing things. Never again! Im a widow of 28 years- hard to believe. My youngest was just 8. She’s 36 now with 2 kids. My husband had a heart attack too- he was 48. Nan

My Tireless Retirement said...

I feel the same way about garage sales. On Ebay I always make sure I toggle off "make offer" and then I don't have to deal with the hagglers. As always your meals sound wonderful.

Have a fabulous day Gina!