Monday, August 28, 2023

Monday menus #35

 I've been wracking my brain lately for ideas on how to spend some quality free time.  What hobby or activity? What would be fun and creative?  I'm not the sort of person who is generally a lonely self-learner.  It's always easier to get started with a buddy.
Macrame is something I would like to learn, I decided.  So I purchased a set of two beginner kits and one will be mailed to a friend. It would be more fun, maybe a little easier, in person.  But it will also be fun for her to get in the mail and also for me to see how we do.  Long distance buddy crafts - I kind of like that.

Monday - kitchen closed 
TuesdayCrockpot Chicken Drums, BBQ beans, brussels sprouts {visit mom}
Wednesday - Sloppy Joes, curly fries, watermelon {travel to Brenham}
Thursday - Tilapia, greens, seasoned wild rice {dentist appt., visit mom}
Friday - Shake and Bake Chicken Thighs, mashed potatoes, green beans {items to Austin Recycle, car maintenance}
Saturday and Sunday - Bubbie will cook for us one of these nights each week.  Its like having a personal chef!


1 comment:

Kim said...

That sounds like fun! I've never tried macrame. You'll have to share your progress!