The end of July was a BEAST.
Every time I turned around there was something hitting the fan.
Not that its unhappy, but Bubbie is back home for his last college class and hopefully after that he will be off living his life. But OMG moving him out of the dorm/apartment was a mess. I don't remember it being this disorganized and all around terrible moving The Girl, but then again, that was years ago.
James Avery is having another of those buy two charms, get a bracelet or chain free promotions, so I bought one charm for me, two charms for The Girl's birthday, and got her a charm necklace. I added this sweet cross to my bracelet, plus the armadillo I got for my 61st birthday and had the whole thing polished up. My charm bracelet has become my "fidget" toy and I wear it often lately.
It turns out that the barrel cactus I got from Highlands is a hedgehog cactus. I know pretty much nothing about growing cacti or succulents, but she seems happy on the deck in full sun. I'm hoping to keep her alive - the tiny prickly pear I had in the kitchen window mysteriously withered and fell over.
At work, my boss and the charge nurse love to keep us fat and happy, as evidenced by the tiered tray of snacks positioned at the information board. After I weighed myself last Saturday and had a Moment of Truth, I vowed never again to touch it. Its easy just to pop a mini rice krispy treat in your mouth as you walk by. I mean really, there are always snacks and food out at this new hospital.
Instead of that, I am drinking more iced water and getting up to move around more often, as well as pack enough healthy food from home to keep me satisfied for 12 hours. Often I find that I "eat" my feelings without paying much attention to what goes in my mouth. I see co-workers doing the same so I know its not just me, feeling life's stresses. Still, I am determined to get back on track with my general health!
Yes, those little bites/grabs here and there really do add up quickly over time. I've tried to cut out all snacking but it can be hard... I find I eat a lot when I'm bored.
I was so good about eating healthy there for a while, but a few snacks later, I'm hooked again. Oh well, back on the wagon...tomorrow!
I had trouble sleeping last school year because I had horrible anxiety from my students/classes. I was eating during the night when I woke up. I changed schools and got sleep meds. I’m starting to lose the 15 pounds I gained, and I’m stress eating a lot less. Susan
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