Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Little project (fail) - a leaky faucet

Many months ago - many - I pointed out to Mark that the backyard faucet was leaking.  What I didn't know at the time was that its a relatively easy fix.  Like my daughter and I like to say, I "googled that sh**".  Why he didn't address it I will never know. 
But on a recent Saturday, it was time for me to get it done.  I watched a couple of You Tube videos, gathered my tools, and headed to the front yard to cut off the main water.  A friendly neighbor came by, gave me his condolences for Mark, and gave me pointers which were greatly appreciated.
It was all going swimmingly, until I couldn't get the screw loosened that holds the handle securely to the valve.  A useless trip to Home Depot, and a person giving me bad advice, followed.  Much frustration.  I thought I knew what the issue is, I just need to get this dang handle off without stripping the screw so I can replace the valve washer. I need to find a new handle/valve combo from a plumbing supply store or get that screw loosened.  I have the completely wrong part to return to Home Depot, but that's a minor inconvenience, considering.  What I really want is for my faucet to stop leaking!  No telling how that is affecting my water bill.  But it doesn't take whiskers to fix this and I will try again.


Long story short:  I think I fixed it.  I got the right size washer and some plumbing packing and tried again.  The water has been on for an hour and the hose left unattached and still no leak.

1 comment:

Cathy W said...

Trust me I'm not giving advice on how to fix it because I have no idea but you might spray it with WD-40 and let it soak for a few days and see if it will loosen it up. My husband thought WD-40 could do anything!