Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Little project (fail) - a leaky faucet

I don't mean for this to sound like a complaint post but it is what it is...Many months ago - many - I pointed out to Mark that the backyard faucet was leaking.  What I didn't know at the time was that its a relatively easy fix.  Like my daughter and I like to say, I "googled that sh**".  Why he didn't/wouldn't address it I will never know.*  Its frustrating to me as he could have taught me how to do so many things.
But on a recent Saturday, it was time for me to get it done.  I watched a couple of You Tube videos, gathered my tools, and headed to the front yard to cut off the main water.  A friendly neighbor came by, gave me his condolences for Mark since he had heard much about him from another neighbor (?), and gave me pointers which were greatly appreciated.
It was all going swimmingly, until I couldn't get the screw loosened that holds the handle securely to the valve.  A useless trip to Home Depot, and a person giving me bad advice, followed.  Much frustration.  I know EXACTLY what the issue is, I just need to get this dang handle off without stripping the screw so I can replace the valve washer.  My Sunday was dripping away, too...I put everything back as it was and went to meet my sister for a beer.  Life is too short.  I need to find a new handle/valve combo from a plumbing supply store who has employees who know what they are talking about OR get them to help me get that screw loosened.  I have the completely wrong part to return to Home Depot, but that's a minor inconvenience, considering.  What I really want is for my faucet to stop leaking!  No telling how that is affecting my water bill.  But it doesn't take whiskers to fix this and I will try again!


*My theory is that his head and his heart were always at Highlands.  Things at Rustown took a back seat...That's OK, I will eventually catch up on odd jobs like this, and learn so much in the process!

Long story short:  I think I fixed it.  I got the right size washer and some plumbing packing and tried again.  The water has been on for an hour and the hose left unattached and still no leak...

1 comment:

Cathy W said...

Trust me I'm not giving advice on how to fix it because I have no idea but you might spray it with WD-40 and let it soak for a few days and see if it will loosen it up. My husband thought WD-40 could do anything!