Monday, June 6, 2022

Empty Nest menu #122

Once it starts getting super hot here, I like to "grill" inside using my trusty cast iron grill pan.  In the A/C... 
This one was a gift from Mark for some occasion - he had a passion for cast iron.  I have to say, its a lot easier than firing up the grill and fighting off the flies.  A little seasoning and some oil is all you need!

Monday - Grilled Pork Chop, garlicky rice, broccoli {The Girl comes to pick up Teddy}
Tuesday - Chicken Thighs, mini potatoes, rest of the broccoli
Wednesday - Out {Beer Necessities at Adelbert's}
ThursdayBeef tips with O&P*, baked potato, salad, roll
Friday - TBD
Saturday - Shrimp Tacos
SundayDinner with The Girl


*Steak wasn't something my mother ever cooked when I was growing up.  However in high school, I worked briefly at a Western Sizzlin' and I remember beef tips with onions and peppers, Texas Toast, a baked potato, and A1 sauce to dunk the steak bites in.  That's what I'm going for here: pure 70's nostalgia on a Thursday night!

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