Friday, June 17, 2022

5 thing Friday - watch, something cute to wear, woodpecker, airplane plant, jewelry

While I was cleaning out the attic, I stumbled across this vintage Timex in a box of Mark's things.  Now, who it belonged to or why it was there will be a mystery forever. 
But I took it to my favorite watch place and they put a battery in it and were pleasantly surprised that it still told time.  So, I guess I'm one of those people who wears a watch now.
Another selfie to show The Girl that my new cute sandals  go with my new cute Tarjay dress.  Then I took myself to Georgetown and felt cute and comfy once again - a trend I would like to continue.
If you live near Georgetown I recommend this place.
I spy a woodpecker - too bad the screen obscures it.  But he/she had a beautiful black and white speckled body with a red head.  
Crappy pic through a screen, but what a pretty bird!
Since the airplane plant, aka varigated spider/Chlorophytum comosum/spider ivy made such a robust baby I plucked it off and have it sitting in water in the kitchen window.  It will go to live with The Girl after I transfer it to a pot.
The Spur ladies hit it out of the park with the idea sketches for my un-worn and sentimental jewelry.  In case you have never heard of Spur, they take your jewelry and re-purpose it into pieces that you will actually wear.  Because as they say, jewelry is mean to be worn!  When I get the finished pieces back, three months from now, I will show what they look like for real!
Meanwhile, since they weren't going to do anything out of the ordinary with the 1800's gold coin I inherited from my late MIL via Mark,  I ordered a bezel for it off Etsy and I am very pleased to wear it daily.
I do love my jewelry, with all of its history and meaning.
Happy Weekend!



Pattie said...

What a great idea to order a bezel from Etsy for your coin. Something like that never occurred to me and I have LOADS of meaningful coins from various travels. Did you mount it into the bezel yourself? Was this difficult?

Gina said...

Pattie, it was relatively easy with:
A very tiny screwdriver and loads of patience. I purposely bought a bezel that was a screw top so that I could DIY it. P.S. You are a No Reply blogger!