Its been a quiet two weeks for me - not too much news to tell. I've had a lot of time to sit and really think about my new mantra: "what does Gina want?" The answer to that in the long term is coming along, but in small everyday ways, I apply it, too.
Hearts I sewed for IFAQH
What does Gina want to eat? {not salmon!} How does she want to spend her free time? {not at Highlands!} What time does she want to go to bed? {time to get on a sleep schedule!} How does she want the house to look? {must be painted, needs new flooring} What does she want to keep? {not two of everything} To toss? {this leather couch} Stuff like that. I basically give myself permission to put my wants first.
I'm just going to casually leave this right here...
So in the midst of that, I haven't had too much news to fill two blogs with. It kind of feels like there's no "family" news to post here. The kids are all off and doing their own thing. I don't have anything currently I want to rant about on the other blog. Lots to think about and decide, and there's no rush.