When the pandemic started, Hubby and I had to share the previous bedroom of Firstborn as our combined office. It meant I had to give up my crafting/blogging/creative Mom space. I hated that, but we made it work. To his credit, he did keep his area pretty neat.
But one of the first things I did after he passed was to dismantle his office. It was just too hard to look at. For a couple of months, this room served as a staging area for all of the files I had to go through and all of the boxes I had to pack. It was also a great place to cry. Gradually, I put things back in here that made me feel calmer and more in control of my home - a sewing and crafting table, for one.
Removing his few office things was the one major change, but made a world of difference to me. The corner desk he had been using went straight out to the curb. I don't think he loved it anymore than I did! The Girl inherited his desk chair. The equipment went back to his employer. And the rest went to the garage or the dumpster. Lots of shredding happened.

I hung my cutting mats up, put a few things on these shelves for now, put the quilt rack back in here.
The closet got cleaned out, after months of me just tossing things in and shutting the door. The carpet got steam cleaned and then I called it done for now.
I straightened up the chaos I had on my bulletin board. Stored my new shredder and a box for future shred items under the table, and filed a few of those files that were no longer needed. Mostly my desk is neat, tho I still do have a couple of piles to attend to. In the mornings, I light some incense, play soft jazz, and read my email to start my day. And gradually, I am working on other areas of the house, too. This weekend I will get my patio in shape!