Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Random annoyances

This week, as the last two, so far has not gone smoothly.  It's only Tuesday.  It's got to get better, right? 
Here are my random annoyances...indulge me...
The cat I searched frantically for on Sunday night, both indoors and out, only to discover she was indeed in Firstborn's room, after the second time we knocked on his door to ask him in a panic...
The fire in our neighborhood today, with it's accompanying loss of power, and zero humidity outside that makes my lips and nose hurt.
The school supplies I purchased for my kids' teachers that still sit, in clearly marked bags, on my dining room table, because they won't take them in.  The teenagers who refuse to come home, get a snack, and begin work on homework that will take up most of the evening.  
The unrelenting laundry, dishes, and general household chores.
Arguing about cell phones, computers, and bedtimes...
The never ending to-do list.  And a bag of Milk Ways on the counter that I am going to make into a delicious cake for my daughter's 20th birthday, if I can keep from cramming them all into my mouth before Friday.
No time to blog.  No time to craft.  No time to relax.
So much to worry and fret and think about each day...

1 comment:

Marie said...

This sounds very familiar to me...my life!