Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sweet Glazed Snack Mix

It doesn't feel like Fall around here, and I can't make my old favorite Crispix Mix when it's still air conditioner weather. But I did find a recipe for a sweet version that'll do until I can make the salty savory one. 

Sweet Glazed Snack Mix

4 cups Crispix cereal
2 cups honey nut O's cereal
1 cup mini pretzels 
1/2 walnuts, coarsely chopped
1/3 cup syrup
1 T. butter
1 t. vanilla or maple extract

In a large bowl, combine the cereals, pretzels, and nuts.  In a glass measuring cup or bowl, microwave the syrup and butter about 45 seconds til butter is melted.  Stir in the extract.  Pour this over the cereal and toss to coat.  Pour into a baking pan sprayed with Pam.  Bake at 250 for 45 minutes, stirring every 15.  Cool.  Store in airtight container. 

It smelled pretty darn good just out of the oven!  When cooled I made a big bag of it for The Girl to take back to her apartment for study food and set the rest out on the kitchen counter.
Bubbie found it and gave it his seal of approval. You could change it up by making it with Cinnamon Chex, and using pecans or almonds instead of walnuts.   Yum!  It was a great afternoon snack.


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1 comment:

Sarah @ Sugar Bananas said...

Hey, at least it's only 250 degrees, right? :) Amen for the break from 100+ degrees in central TX. I'm with you and can't wait to BAKE again.

This sounds like a yummy treat. It wouldn't last long on our counter!

Thanks for sharing with Sweets This Week.
