The Girl made a fairly simple request for her birthday dinner last night: Enchiladas. Oh, and she also wanted salad with avocados and chocolate cake with ice cream. And I found that to be an open invitation to make a cake recipe I'd clipped from a Houston Chronicle a while back.
It was a really easy recipe and made the house smell insanely good. The "frosting" is oozing and gooey, made of butter, confectioner's sugar, and Milky Way bars.
Mine was lumpier and oozier but tasted divine. I used some leftover whipping cream to thin it instead of milk. I'm sure it was thousand calorie frosting! And the cake itself was caramel flavored, with a pound cake consistency. Perfect to slice and send half it it back to college with The Girl.
Needless to say it was a big hit. And so were the enchiladas! We had such a nice visit with her, even though it was short. Can she already be 20? Doesn't seem possible. Happy Birthday, Chloe Erin!
One word..."yum"
: )
Happy belated Birthday Chloe!
Amazing she is 20...time has flown!
I sooooo miss good Mexican food.
I have found some of my favorite recipes in back of the newspaper and local magazines. I bet this cake was delicious. My husband's aunt makes a similar icing with Snickers bars.
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