Sunday, August 29, 2010

Thrift fun in August

Well, I did ease up on my To Do list and allow myself to go bopping around Salvation Army and Hob Lob on Friday as a reward for a successful first week back to school  Check out what I got:
At Hobby Lobby I got the pumpkin, a round fall candle, and some decorative little gourds and pinecones. Then I stopped at a Salvation Army and spent $3 on a cute silver wire basket, the lovely amber colored vase with tiny bubbles in the glass, and the daisy plate.
I cleaned the plate up and used some of the leftover fabric from the girl's room re-do.  Added mod podge, put bumpers on the bottom and now,
it's a pretty catch-all for coins, jewelry, name badge, keys, etc.  I got to use my glitter mod podge, and it adds a little extra sparkle to the plain fabric.  The silver basket is also going in her room, as an "In Box" for mail on her desk.  
Maybe thrifting once a week should be in my regular routine!



Marie said...

My idea of FUN!
Cute pumpkin.

Laura at Ms. Smartie Pants said...

I bought one of these pumpkins too! I fell in love the minute I saw it. I think I have had it for 2 months now. I am waiting for it to cool down just a bit and then I will get all my stuff out. Thrift shopping is always a good time!

KimMalk said...

Lucky you. I really like the pumpkin you found. :)

michelle ellis said...

I have been wanting one of those pumpkins since I first saw them too! I MUST go get one. That plate it too cute!!