Friday, March 21, 2025

5 thing Friday - easy meal, range hood, coffee shop, reading room, labyrinth

I relied on my old fallback of bagged chopped salad with rotisserie chicken this week.  Because I still dislike cooking.
I added chopped apple and a bit of orange bell pepper.  So far, this has been the most painless way to feed myself a decent dinner that has both protein and veggies.  Lately, I've been cooking one night a week, and winging it the rest.
Well, I thought the range hood fan was out, but it roared back to life.  So I took that opportunity to order it a new filter/light cover.  I have washed the one on the right many times, but it is 30 years old and has some stubborn grease soaked into it.  Plus the light filter is burned!
The whole area needed a scrub.  It was around 7 a.m.  Apparently I had nothing else to do.
I scrubbed the whole thing down as best I could, then replaced the cover, adding an LED bulb that is a little easier on the eyes.
Continuing my Wednesday practice of finding a new coffee shop once a week, this one is 86C Bakery on Airport.  
The coconut twist was amazing.
I had their signature milk coffee and sampled some of the bakery items.  I like this place, but I really love to sit and journal at the funky, out of the way coffee shops that have a bit more character.
Shopping plans: my idea for when Bubbie moves out is to make a reading space in the spare room.  I want to add a big chair like the one pictured above - bonus points if it converts to a bed for napping, or overnight guests.  I love the green corduroy on this one and the price point is reasonable at around $300.  I could add either the antique sewing table or the one I got from Mom's house for a lamp to sit on.
For the month of March I am on call a total of 70 hours, which at $5/hr adds up to a little bit of extra spending money.  As a gift to myself I ordered this handmade labyrinth plaque.  Originally I was going to hang it in the garage.  But now I think I will put it somewhere I can see (and use) often.  I was going to make one myself using some scrap wood in the garage. But this one is beautiful, and it also counts as wall art.
Happy first weekend of Spring!



Juhli said...

The labyrinth is beautiful. I may steal your Wednesday coffee shop exploring idea as I really could use a nice funky cozy one to enjoy.

Joanne said...

Oh that chair looks so nice and cozy! If my husband isn't going to be home for dinner I nearly always resort to a salad with some fruit and protein on top... of if I just don't like what's on the menu for that matter.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I laughed out loud at “Apparently I had nothing else to do.” How many times I have fallen into a trap of deciding I’m going to wipe down something and it takes me half the day. The other day, I kid you not, it took me an hour and four pieces of equipment to scrub the bathroom floor. And it’s all because my arthritic knees will no longer allow me to kneel. Had I been able to kneel down, I could’ve had the job done in 15 minutes, but no. I hauled the rug out of the bathroom, I went over the floor with my stick vac, I went over the floor with a regular vacuum (Stanley and I share a bathroom, so kitty litter is the bane of my existence.), I went over it with a Swiffer, and then I hit it with the steam mop. I couldn’t believe how long it took me. Needless to say, despite the fact that I have a little rug in front of the litter box, one usage, and there was kitty litter all over the floor all over again.