Friday, March 14, 2025

5 thing Friday - garage, switchplate covers, bumpers, crystal, cooking

Yesterday I came to the final stopping point with painting the garage.
I have scrubbed or painted or organized every single part of this garage.  I went through ALL of the tools, camping equipment, kids boxes, fishing poles, scrap wood, and etc.  Cleaned the floor.  Scrubbed the inside of the garage doors. Left to do is: 
*get rid of that propane tank
*deal with some scrap lumber
*hang a piece of art created by The Girl
*help Bubbie move
*get the ceilings retaped and painted
*get one garage opener replaced, dismantle the other
*replace the locks on the garage doors
Once Bubbie's things are gone, the wall above will be empty and I could throw a dance party in here!  I will show more of this later, I'm sure.  I mean doesn't every single woman obsess over her garage? Ha! 
For now, only one garage opener works - the other motor has been burned out for years.  But all of these switches can stay, so let's make them pretty.
I ordered some switch plate covers with a Talavera tiles print.  They're like tiny pieces of art.  I want to order some pretty ones for inside of the house, too.
This week I also did a quick project in the kitchen - replacing the bumpers on the inside of the cabinet doors.
I had to scrape off several different versions of bumpers.  The cork ones fall apart and the foam kind don't have enough cushion.  I had also used felt pads at one point.
Hopefully these will stay put - they do make the door quieter.
I do enjoy my outdated kitchen, though of course there are things I would like to change in here.  For one thing, the cooktop exhaust fan went out this week.  Also, some day I would like to lose this wallpaper.  Change out the light fixture.
I can envision using this space a little differently, too.  Maybe a tabletop bar?  A place to set a portable record player?  Ideas, please.
Recently I hauled out some of the crystal that belonged to Mark's parents.  I've been using it to drink out of because why not?  There is a complete set of pink martini, iced tea, and wine glasses and there are clear cut crystal tea glasses.  If I have them, I may as well use them.
I haven't done loads of cooking this week, unless you count ramen noodles, salads, or pancakes.  But tonight I am making Maple Glazed Salmon bites with cabbage slaw, and will pick up a few groceries.  I will also make time today to read, nap, and do a pedicure.  TGIF!



Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Wow! Just…WOW!! Your garage looks fabulous! You put me to shame. The switchplate covers look fantastic — the paint, the cleanup, everything is just perfect. I have been using really good crystal for having cocktails and even iced tea. Why not? How much time do I have left?

My Tireless Retirement said...

Those switch plates are super cool. You've done some wonderful upgrades to your home. I obsess over my garage too and if you decide to throw a dance party I'd come! LOL

Kim said...

The switch plates are beautiful, they're so fun and colorful. My daughter would love to have those in her apartment. She's always wanted that style tile for a kitchen backsplash. I also love that you're using your in-law's crystal. I think that's great. Enjoy!