Monday, April 22, 2024

Monday menus #68

I decided that my side of the family was woefully under-represented in the family photo album.  After all, we aren't just Cannary.  We are the combination of several families.

So I printed pics of my father (age 18), my mother (age 45ish),

my grandparents (in their 80's), and Mom and Jim (in their 60's), as well as a few more pics that I have found here and there.  And I think I will put captions under all of the photos when I get them into the family album.  Because my kids have no idea who these people are.

Monday - kitchen closed {for real - I am TIRED}
Tuesday - Ravioli with Turkey Bolognese, broccoli {laundry up, work on photo album, water in the new lantana, on call}
Wednesday - Spicy Honey Beans with Sausage*, garlic toast {clean carpets, make some muffins, work on a small keys project, on call}
Thursday - Mexican Pork Enchiladas**, corn, rice {mulch the backyard landscaping, rake and weed, lay in my lawn chair}
Friday - Pan Fried Tilapia, Trader Joe's Garlicky Pasta, spinach {weekend food prep, buy groceries, pay bills, mail a box to my nephew}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed
Dessert this week is brown butter chocolate chip cookies***

*canned spicy roasted chipotle style beans, a bit of honey, some chopped onion and bell pepper, and the rest of the kielbasa
**I cooked a pork shoulder in the crockpot for tacos previously, and have plenty of meat leftover.  I made a rub for the meat with chili powder, cumin, garlic, smoked paprika, and brown sugar, then squeezed a lime over it and cooked it on low all day.  I'll use my homemade enchilada sauce.
***I'm cheating and using a mix, but I will brown the butter, and maybe add chopped walnuts.



Joanne said...

Sounds like a delicious week!

My Tireless Retirement said...

Yes! I love that you are doing this photo project. Your family will appreciate this long into the future. Enjoy a much more relaxed week!! :)

R's Rue said...

Your menu looks delicious. I need to make some of your recipes.

Jennifer Wise said...

I love this! In my work as a photo solutions and memory-keeping consultant, I always encourage people to document the photos. The saying "a photo is worth a thousand words" is only sort of true--if you don't know who is in the photo or how they're connected to you, the photo actually loses its value. So I'm happy to know you are making sure your family sees those faces and knows them. :) Visiting from Talking About it Tuesdays.

Joni said...

What a great project to work on. Your menu this week sounds utterly delicious!
This week's dessert is Ginger Molasses Oatmeal cookies. I make up the batch, roll into logs, wrap in saran wrap and bake off a dozen every day. In the hot weather I bake them in my toaster/convection oven in the outdoor kitchen.

Kim said...

We have a lot of old family photos that are sitting in a box. I should do something with them as well...because as you said, my kids have no idea who half those people are!