Monday, April 15, 2024

Monday menus #67

A carved jade pendant on a silk cord makes a pretty lamp decoration, no? 
And covers up a spot where I had glued, then removed, an applique...

Monday - kitchen closed {Bulky Trash Pick-up}
Tuesday - Buttermilk Baked Chicken, gorgonzola gnocci, green beans {cut down the rest of the photinia branches and bundle them, load recycle electronics*, p/u landscape plants, get my hair trimmed, return some things from Kohl's}
Wednesday - Ann Landers' Meatloaf - garlic toast, salad {visit recycle center, plant the small landscape section}
Thursday - Cowboy Casserole, salad {power wash the back patio and front steps}
Friday - Brown Sugar Chicken, rice, peas {put the back patio back together, clean carpet in hallway, RELAX}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed
Dessert this week is an easy raspberry cheesecake pie


*Scout and I pulled the last of the things down from the attic, a project two years in the making.  What was still up there?  Two sewing machines (one is antique), an electric train set from the 60s, outdoor lighting fixtures, miles of cords and cables, obsolete electronics and various unidentifiable bits and bobs.  


wolfek said...

Lampshade pendant is such a nice touch!

My Tireless Retirement said...

Great progress! And as always your meals sound delightful. Have a great week Gina.