Friday, July 7, 2023

Little project: painting the back door

On my list of projects was giving the back door a fresh coat of paint.  Years ago, Mark painted it from builder basic white to a color called Otter Creek.  The closest I could get to that was this pretty emerald green called Dark Everglade.  I love pretty much all shades of green, and this one is fairly 90's, but do colors ever go out of style?  I don't think so.
I used my scrub daddy sponge to clean it, rinsed it well, then took some of the existing gloss down using fine steel wool.  I used painters tape to get clean lines around the window frame, and I removed the hardware.  I also gave the window pane frame a coat of cream paint to freshen it up.  Painting was the shortest part of the project, time-wise.  {I do still need to get new weatherstripping for the metal slat at the bottom of the screen door.}
Cleaning the hardware with Brasso wasn't that time-consuming, either but getting it all back on properly?  Very challenging.  It took me over an hour and involved WD40, but the lock and door knob work better than ever.  And I am proud of myself for getting one more small project crossed off the list!
And I like it so much against the red brick - which makes me think it would be a great color for the front door, too!



Cathy W said...

Looks great!

I recently painted my front door and boy does it make a big impact for little time and money.

Kim said...

Beautiful Gina! I love the color. I'm very into green again lately, it's so soothing.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Small project? That is hardly a small project. It’s quite impressive! I love that you took your time with it and did it properly. The color is wonderful. I imagine that you find yourself staring at it throughout the day, quite proud of your accomplishment, and you should be.