Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The urge to purge - clothing

On Saturday I got a little carried away doing laundry and decided I needed to straighten my drawers and purge some things I would likely never wear again.    January is such a perfect month for doing that!  It didn't take all that long and it made me feel productive.  Once I get the deadwood out, I can see what I need.
I *think* I have a lot of clothes and variety of things to wear, until I actually have to find something and it doesn't match, or its stained, or its not right for the season, or it doesn't fit...and one of the things I am determined to do this year is get my things in order. That includes my clothes and the storage for said clothes.  I hate shopping for clothes, so wish me luck!


1 comment:

Karen Cook said...

You get it from me. I'm OCD about organization. I had lost the web address for your blog and am glad I finally found it again. I do enjoy reading your posts. Gosh, you are so much like me, it's scary! Love, Sis Karen