Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Guest plans

On Sunday, The Girl packed up her remaining things and headed back to her apartment.  Both of us remarked that this scene reminded us of when she would return back to college at the end of summer!
It made me feel a little blue - I have not lived alone since just after Hubby and I got engaged, 37 long years ago.
Only this time. she's just a few minutes away and we have plans to have dinner together every Sunday, and happy hours every Wednesday.
In any case, here is where she has faithfully stayed for the last four months: 
Once her room, then Scout's, now the empty guest room in great need of a refresh.  When Hubby passed, she grabbed some things from her apartment and stayed with me - there was no time to freshen it up.  We have spent the last four months just trying to find our way, but gradually I am conquering some spaces in this house.
My plans are to vacuum every nook and cranny, add a fitted sheet to the bottom of the box spring (because, yuck), add a new dust ruffle and sheet set, rearrange those hanging pictures, put the director's chair in here, add some toss pillows, maybe some pretty or sentimental things on the shelves, clean out the closet, steam clean the carpet, and make it smell pretty. Next time she stays the night, it should be much nicer for her.
The Girl has been my rock - encouraging me, and listening to me, all the while grieving and adjusting to a move from Houston and a new job.  I think we did very well with this one.  Her Dad would be so proud.



Cathy W said...

We just had the 5th year without my husband.

I had not lived alone ever! I moved from my parents to our first house when we returned from our honeymoon!

I sold the family house last year and have made a house of my own now. I'm comfortable here but I still have not gotten used to living alone.

Be gentle with yourself and go at your own pace, you will find your rhythm.

evelynthayer said...

I am so grateful your Daughter is nearby and was able to stay with you for a while. <3