Friday, December 24, 2021

5 thing Friday - time, Highlands, wine, itdoesn'takewhiskers, selfie

Today is Christmas Eve - how did that happen? The summer was over before it even got going good.  I don't remember having fall, except that Thanksgiving was yesterday.  Time is zooming forward while simultaneously standing still.  In a minute, a new year will start.
There will be 7 of us at Christmas dinner - same as Thanksgiving.  Time to pull out the table leaves, the tablecloth, chargers, dishes, and silver for one more fancy dinner together until Easter.  {Which might be a week from now}  I found these tiny crochet snowflakes I forgot I had, and added them to the arrangement on the table.  
Spending time at Highlands is bittersweet.  But looking out over my "yard" makes me feel peaceful inside. 
Hello, cacti. Trees. Hills.
Hello, big sky.  I've missed you!
Nice to see you, canoe. 
I only wish I knew what to do about Highlands in the long run.  I know its a tomorrow decision, but I am thinking about it today.
The bluebonnets are already sprouting up - can't wait for them to bloom!
I miss weekend sunsets out here with Hubby, but maybe I will decide to spend the night in the spring.  There's no Mabel to bunk in, but I do have cots, running water, electricity, and a roof over my head.
These giant bottles of wine at Trader Joe's are ridiculous and I almost bought one for Christmas Day.  But I resisted and bought two normal sized bottles of a nice Zinfandel to go with our ham dinner. 
Yet another mystery: where the h*ll is the extension cord that goes to the hedge trimmer?  I will have to shift my mindset at Camp Rustown.  The Girl reminds me often that you can Google just about anything you don't know.  Figure out how to use your stuff.  If you need to order an extension cord to fit this thing, DO IT.
Hello, it's just me, Gina.  I really needed a new selfie.  
Felt cute, won't delete.
M E R R Y  C H R I S T M A S from The Cannary Family!



evelynthayer said...

Just now getting a moment to visit your blog...Love the picture of you! <3

Dawn P. said...

I never got around to telling you last month that I love this picture of you. And think of you often...