Seems like it is suddenly spring! I used some time at home this past weekend to start getting the yards in better shape. The pillow for that Adriondack chair got cleaned and the whole thing wiped down.
After I pulled weeds and raked the back yard, Hubby mowed. It almost looks decent out there, but I know we need to apply weed and feed - maybe after Teddy leaves from Easter weekend. My Wandering Jew is slowly creeping back and at the base of the fig tree there are big leaves.
The hawthorn shrubs in the front landscape bed did not survive, and the varigated Lariope looked very puny, so out they came. In their place are now 6 Ligustrum. Here's hoping they live! I moved the small Lariopes to under the oak and will mulch everything as soon as the oaks stop pollinating and dropping out those crackly things.
All of the solar landscape lights got new batteries. The beds will look sparse until the shrubs starting filling out. Hubby and I have been talking more and more about selling Rustown and starting our build in Burnet. The asparagus fern I had in a big pot below was toast - the plant died and the pot was cracked into pieces from the freezing weather. It was too big to move and I never thought to cover it. So now the olive tree lives here and I may move it a little closer to the sun. I mulched it with some of the millions of wine corks I have and perched my owl close by to discourage the squirrels who love the mulched area. There were quite a few baby pecan trees in there as evidence!
Next chore: getting the rest of the leaves up from the front yard and the red rocks out back, and figuring out how to restore the grass. And since we will be home this weekend, too, that might be how my Saturday goes.
Happy hump day and rest of the week!