Monday, August 31, 2020

Slightly Empty Nest Menu #54

By the time I find a space to park at the parking garage most mornings, this is the view I get...on the 4th floor.  Its hot.  Desolate.  And I know I will be out of breath and my leg muscles will be burning by the time I return to my car after 7:30 pm.  The elevator shuts off sometime after the dayshift leaves.  So, enforced stair exercise it is.
Knowing that, I don't feel bad about eating dinner at 8 pm.

Monday - Chicken Taco Salads with homemade pico de gallo and avocado {The Girl will be at our house this week, order my produce box}
Tuesday - Turkey Stuffed Bell Peppers, squash
Wednesday - Beefy Eggplant Parm, green beans
Thursday - Sticky Chicky, rice, broccoli
Friday - Turkey Stir Fry with carrot and snap peas over rice noodles
Saturday - Burger Patty, mashed potatoes, pork and beans (Hubby's all-time-requests-it-every-chance-he-gets-because-it-reminds-him-of-college meal {babysitting Teddy for The Girl!}
Sunday - take-out!
Hello, September!


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